Acer aspire 7736z

Eddie - Aug 29, 2011 at 03:57 PM
 Eddie - Aug 30, 2011 at 04:58 AM
my laptop chrashed 2 times,first time i got a black (working) screen second time when i tryed to boot , i saw the desktop screen and after 10 sec again chrash and black screen
.but now i can even start my laptop again dead 100% nothing is workig when i plugg the elektricity cabel nothing....the laptop was working normaly and there was no overheating for sure

many thanks if you can help me

1 response

Anonymous User
Aug 30, 2011 at 12:57 AM

If the fans also are not running, I am terribly sorry, but I must inform you that your

motherboard is toasted due to an overheating. I suggest you go seeing a qualified

technician that will change it.

Hej and thank you for a fast answer but i cant say thats because of overheating,my laptop was working really good and normal,i tought its overheating after the first chrash but i holded my hand under the laptop it was really normal...not hot not cold -.-"
btw yesterday i tought also that the el cabel is dead but no works really good alraund 18 v