What do I do after formatting disk?

KSchick - Jan 27, 2009 at 09:43 AM
 eyel - Jan 27, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Hey! ummm. ok, so i don't know much about computers.. anyways, a week ago, i tried to format my computer/hard drive or whatever. my computer is windows XP from like 2004... so. i formatted it. and then after it was finished, it said "Restart computer, and take out the CD when the computer boots up." so i have no idea when that is? anywho.. i restarted the PC, and i took the disk out right away when it turned on..
you know when you turn the computer on and it says Loading Windows Xp.... and stuff, and then it turns blue, and your supposed to click whichever account you want to go on.. well....my computer didnt even get to the Loading Windows XP part. it just stayed a page, with a black background and white letters on it.. it kept saying, boot from CD.. and press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart.. so i did click ctrl alt del, and it did restart, but it just krept coming back to the stupiddd page. :S so i tried to put the cd in again, and then it said press R to go to recovery. so i did.. and i formatted again. and when it was finished, i restarted and it went to the same back page again.. and it kept saying Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart! :s oh yeah and above that it said NLTRD is compressed...or something like that. i know it started with an N though. but ya, so i dont know what do.. ithink i deleted the whole computer, if thats possible. anyways.. some please help!! :D thank you sooo much! hopefully i can fix this soon cuz i cant live without a computer..

1 response

After formatting your HDD, you should insert a bootable disk of Operating System and boot it with CD and it will start to install a new Operating System e.g Windows XP, Windows Vista, etc.