Acer 4755g blue screen, hdd can't be read.

qwerty29 - Mar 14, 2012 at 01:29 AM
anjana03 Posts 209 Registration date Tuesday February 9, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 26, 2014 - Mar 19, 2012 at 03:26 AM
hi guys. i have a acer aspire 4755g just bought it a couple of months ago. this just happened to me today. i tend to unplug my laptop during sleep in order to stop the charging process. this morning when im ready to use my laptop. i plugged it in and it was all fine, i even got to reach to the desktop. when suddenly. all the desktop icons disappeared, and my laptop got into a freeze and the blue screen pop up.

i thought it would just be fine. so i decided to reboot it. but the rebooting takes a while. so i knew there was a problem. so i waited. when suddenly. it said that no operating system was found.

so i entered bios. and found out that my hdd is not being read by my laptop. does that mean my hdd was broken? or was it just a hardware that needs to be fixed? please help.

1 response

anjana03 Posts 209 Registration date Tuesday February 9, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 26, 2014 57
Mar 14, 2012 at 04:12 AM
it is os prolem.some times virous can do it . we can repairing operating system by its cd,
i have a windows 7 installer. but i tried installing it with it. even doing a recovery. but then the my laptop can't recognize the hard disk. it just show 0mb harddisk and its always have an error. i just want to recover the files. please help. if only the laptop could recognize the hard disk again. :(
anjana03 Posts 209 Registration date Tuesday February 9, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 26, 2014 57
Mar 19, 2012 at 03:26 AM
please check hadd in bios some time virous can do this. some times we can get mumory dump damage and sometimes wecan get hdd problem message /we we have no chance to repair .we shpuld formate or re install new oa. thanks