Matching and adding data

JamesFord Posts 1 Registration date Thursday September 6, 2012 Status Member Last seen September 6, 2012 - Sep 6, 2012 at 04:14 AM
rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 - Sep 10, 2012 at 10:01 AM

I have a very basic knowledge of excel and am not sure if this can be done however I am informed this is the place to find out.

I have 2 sheets in the first sheet I have first names (Column A) and last names (Column B) and in the second sheet I have first names (Column A) and last names (Column B) and the name of that person's advisor (Column C). The two sheets do not have exactly the same data but there is an overlap.

I need to get the advisor of the corresponding person into the first sheet (Creating a column C as advisor name) using the data in the second sheet (Some will be blank because the person may not appear in sheet 2). I have been trying to do this for a while using the Vlookup, Match and Index function but I can't seem to get the desired result.

Sheet 1
First Name Last Name Advisor Name
(Populated) (Populated) (Empty)

Sheet 2

First Name Last Name Advisor Name
(Populated) (Populated) (Populated)

I would appreciate any help on this.



1 response

rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 766
Sep 10, 2012 at 10:01 AM
Is it possible to combine the first name and last name in the sheet 2

Lets say you can you that. So in column D of sheet 2 you can have a formula
=A1 & " " & B1

then on sheet1 you can easily use vlookup as

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(A2 & " " & B2, Sheet2!D:D,0)),"",INDIRECT("Sheet2!C" & MATCH(A2 & " " & B2, Sheet2!D:D,0)))