Please help MY Monitor doesnt show nothing :[

PROBLEMS - May 8, 2008 at 04:47 PM
 pupi - Aug 19, 2010 at 08:03 PM
OMG i got a big big big problem my computer is about 5 years old windows xp i got an envision monitor my computer was working perfectly fine when one day i turned it on and THERE no PICTURE on my MONITOR. The compter turn on and everything the fan spins i have cked the cabls over a MIllion times one time i moved it around and miracouslly work but then Someone disconnected the cable and it messd up again so ive tried the same thing i few times but no luck and when i connect te cabl to the laptop it works perfecly fine PLASE help me im jus dying hre please help!! :[

5 responses


try removing your ram and then plug in again
this must solve your problem

if it doesnt solve it then you must repair your motherboard ...
i got one prob how do i do that
Jan 2, 2009 at 03:15 PM
hi i canot see nothing in my monitor it's all black?
Jan 3, 2009 at 08:59 AM
hej i'm niti i end my problem my problem was in cartel of monitor i push it and now is ok all and show everything bye
Dumb faggots.
well i got one prob how doi do that lol??
my computer has no images