System restarting after 30-40mins.

dhiru - Feb 11, 2009 at 11:32 PM
 sonu - Jul 13, 2010 at 07:28 AM

from last 2 months my desktop gets restart within half an hour i had replaced Ram but still the same problem any help please.

4 responses

First of all, how much RAM do u have on ur machine, and how does your computer behave when you are using it normally before it restarts.
Does it usually hang/response time is too long for simple actions like opening a directory or a file.
If thats how it behaves before restarting then you may need to reinstall the latest version of Intel Storage Matrix manager for your operating system.
You can download it from their website.

This is important if your using SATA drives.

The restart could be a system failure due to multiple reads on hard drive
Hi jollyjoekatz,

I am using 2 Ram one is of 256 mb and one is 1gb DDR 1, Normaly it works well for sometime and let us say till half an hour and then while restarting it hangs for hardly 2 sec shows a blue screen for 1/2 sec and restarts i had downloaded the file from the given link i will try and let you know

Hi Dhiru,

I am also facing the same problem.
did downloading of software provided in above link help you or there is some other work around.
Plese share with me.

Thanks and Regards,
sharpman Posts 1021 Registration date Saturday May 23, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen October 20, 2010 183
Aug 23, 2009 at 03:00 PM
ok guys, what we need to do here is change how your computer handles crashes.

do a right click on my computer, select properties, at the bottom.
select advanced tab (extreme right)
at the bottom select startup and recovery settings

in the box marked automatically restart you need to clear this box.

select ok.

now, next time your system crashes it will stop on a bluse screen - commonly called the blue screen of death (BSOD for short.)

on this screen is a lot of information. But what we are interested in is the first couple of lines. these lines have a messgae indicating what caused the crash.

write down this message in full ( first couple of lines will suffice) and post back here with your result. Some one, i'm sure will be able to assist you better in your problem.
if you got blue screen you must need to format your all drive and reinstall window.if problem occur again then it means that your hard disk has been must need to replace it otherwise clean your ram with clean cloth