My pen drive says write protected

whyosei Posts 1 Registration date Monday January 21, 2013 Status Member Last seen January 21, 2013 - Jan 21, 2013 at 01:47 PM
 abcd - Jan 19, 2014 at 10:59 AM
how do I format my pendrive it says it is write protected
can some1 please help me out... Please

1 response

jack4rall Posts 6428 Registration date Sunday June 6, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen July 16, 2020
Jan 21, 2013 at 02:18 PM

Try this 1

1) First check if there is any format utility available in your pen drive manufacture's

website. Try formatting with that utility.

2) Click on the below hyperlink "HDDLLF" and download it.


Connect your pen drive --> Open the downloaded application --> Click on

"Continue for free" --> Select your pen drive from the list --> Click on "Continue".

After completion of the process try formatting your pen drive from the Windows.

Good Luck
plz sir my pen drive write protected
This program failed, the drive is still write protected.....
use chipgenius to dettect your FD chip

like mine for ex:

Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: SC708(FC8708)/AU6987/AU6990 - F/W EC03
Flash ID Code: EC000000 - Samsung - 1CE/Single Channel [SLC]

then remove your FD chase and just take a look on IC which part its installed

like mine FC8708 writed on that IC

then go to vendor web for the tool

mine: (for anclor)

and now its work again after flashing

hope thats help :p