Forgot admin password on mac

lalalea Posts 1 Registration date Saturday August 2, 2014 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2014 - Aug 2, 2014 at 05:40 PM
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 - Aug 2, 2014 at 10:48 PM
MacOS - Change the admin password (no installation disk)

In this tip you will learn how to change or reset the Mac admin password without the installation disk. This solution implies the the creation a new account on the Mac OS X!

The solution is to create a new admin by deleting a specific file.
You need to enter terminal and create a new admin account:
1. Reboot
2. Hold Apple +S down after you hear the chime (Command + S on new models).
3. When you get text prompt, enter these terminal commands to create a new admin account (hitting return after each line):
mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now
4. After rebooting you should have a brand new admin account.
5. Log-in and delete the previous admin account!

will this delete all my files and pictures????

1 response

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824
Aug 2, 2014 at 10:48 PM
It will not delete them. But, they will not be accessible from the NEW account.