My Laptop and Canon D1200 camera can not read my micro SD!

NMO - Jun 26, 2015 at 11:22 PM
EthioRock Posts 20 Registration date Friday June 20, 2014 Status Member Last seen June 28, 2015 - Jun 28, 2015 at 05:45 PM

I am using a micro SD in my Canon D1200 camera. I wanted to cut the pictures from it and get them on my laptop, so, I removed the card from camera, inserted it into the laptop using a card reader. At first everything worked just fine and I selected all files, (cut) and tried to (paste) them in a folder on the lap top, one photo got there but an error message appeared saying that some photos can't be moved so I chose (skip) for these. But, then the entire operation stopped, only one picture was moved and the laptop refuses to read the SD card and asks for me to format it first to be able to use it!! I put it back into the camera and it gives me the same thing!!
Now if I format the SD card I would lose everything that's on it and they are important pictures, how can I fix this?

1 response

EthioRock Posts 20 Registration date Friday June 20, 2014 Status Member Last seen June 28, 2015 10
Jun 28, 2015 at 05:45 PM
try changing the card reader first if that doesn't help
if you have the cameras USB cable try it with that.
gud luk