Outlook Express emails disappeared - can I get them back?

DavidCum777 Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday September 23, 2015 Status Member Last seen September 23, 2015 - Sep 23, 2015 at 06:32 AM
EdwardHunterS Posts 1 Registration date Monday September 28, 2015 Status Member Last seen September 28, 2015 - Sep 28, 2015 at 03:50 AM
A user opens his Outlook Express 6 (all windows updates up to date) this morning and finds that his inbox is empty. 200-odd messages that were there yesterday have disappeared. I have checked that the View is set to All Messages, and it is. No rules in existence. New emails arriving are adding to the inbox. Other folders (sent, deleted) have the same content as yesterday.

It seems to be the files related to the inbox had a problem, or physically got deleted, and OE6 just self-recovered by giving the user an inbox with nothing in it.

Is there anything I can do, other than scanning hard disk sectors for text, that may retrieve these lost emails?


2 responses

EdwardHunterS Posts 1 Registration date Monday September 28, 2015 Status Member Last seen September 28, 2015 1
Sep 28, 2015 at 03:50 AM
if you do a search for inbox.dbx you might be able to find it and place it back in the folder where the files are stored. There is a chance that it became corrupted and it gave a blank inbox to replace the corruption. In my experience you probably won't find the inbox if it was deleted by searching it sector by sector.
Look here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/1b2c7474-7dbc-4eb5-af13-beebef84df03/which-has-a-comfortable-dbx-file-viewer?forum=outlook
Kazok1 Posts 4 Registration date Wednesday September 23, 2015 Status Member Last seen September 24, 2015
Sep 23, 2015 at 09:23 AM

Most companies carry out a back up the server overnight.
Do you have a back up / restore from the previous day?