Help!!! My PC is dead

Appuz - Nov 5, 2015 at 01:41 AM
 Appuz - Nov 6, 2015 at 05:57 AM
Help!! Today I switched on my PC, and when I turned the CPU switch on, all lights glowed and fans were running, but there was nothing in the monitor. I checked Monitor wires they were perfect. I switched off and again turned on but after my UPS turned on suddenly my CPU switch turned on automatically and lights were glowing. I heard the fan sounds too.. But nothing happens in the monitor. My monitor says no signal. I opened my cabinet, and I cleaned dust and replugged ram. And I powerd up. Still the CPU automatically turns on without pressing the Power key, Fans are running, DVD drive is working but nothing happens, I disconnected ram and drives and turned on, no beeps or nothing... Please help mee...

3 responses

Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
Nov 5, 2015 at 03:18 AM
Did the power slot where you plug the monitor is good?
I think you are using desktop. can you try to reseat your CMOS battery? (Do it when the pc has no power) and then try to switch on your pc.
Resetting CMOS doesn't works
Same as before, no problem with the plug spot. Is my mother board dead?? Will it cost high??
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
Nov 5, 2015 at 04:12 AM
Do not come into conclusion that motherboard is dead, try to connect external monitor and see whether it works if not then may be it is graphic issue ( If you sure your RAM is good)
I tried to power up with out the graphics card. That doesn't work too... I have 450 watt smps and I've a 2 GB graph card, is that because the power supply is not enough??