Empty folders in a Full Spaced Pen Drive

Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015 - Nov 10, 2015 at 02:12 PM
Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015 - Nov 18, 2015 at 10:49 AM
Hello everyone,

How are you?? It is my first time here and i think it is the place to be for my question. I hope you can help me out guys. Well, i have a HP Pavilion Entertaiment PC, x64, with W10 (upgraded). After i did the upgrade, everything went ok but for some reason i had to restore as new and i choosed to backup my files into many different Pen Drive's. So, after the pc's restore was done i plugged in my 16 GB usb and my usb windows popuout with all the folders inside BUT once i clicked on them it says "empty folder" so i was shocked. Below and image of it:

But when i turn into the USB storage, to see the space that i used for backing up my files, it says is almost full -the same space as i have used-, an image to ilustrate:

Another image that shows the "empty folder" problem:

So resuming:

I have a almost full PenDrive with "empty" folders BUT nothing inside them -or still it says so. I have tried many methods: USB show, Attrib on CMD, Recuva and AutorunExterminator.

I do not know what else to do!! I am Desesperate!! Can anyone of you guide me to solve this please. Thanks in advance.


3 responses

Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Nov 10, 2015 at 04:50 PM

Sticky wicket I say.

Try this it just may work:

# Download USB Fix
  • Launch it, a shortcut will be created on your desktop.

  • Choose "Clean" option.
  • A pop-up will follow
    Connect all your external data sources to your PC (Usb keys, sd cards external drives, etc...)
  • Once you're ready, click "OK".
  • While cleaning, you will lose access to your desktop, but this is normal.

The numbers of analyzed and infected elements are displayed.

# Copy/paste the report here.

Tutorial : http://www.en.usbfix.net/2014/02/usbfix-tutorial-clean-option/

Moderator / Virus Security Contributor
Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015
Nov 10, 2015 at 10:37 PM
Hi Ambucias,

I have done the exam, and the report was like follows:

Note: my Pendrive name is H:/

-----------------------------BEGININ OF THE REPORT--------------------------

" [b]############################## | UsbFix V 8.146 | [Clean][/b]

User: Orlanjoy A. Golibart (Administrator) # DESKTOP-20DPK05
Updated 10/11/2015 by SosVirus
Started at 23:31:03 | 10/11/2015

Website : [url=http://www.en.usbfix.net/]http://www.en.usbfix.net/[/url]
Tutorial : [url=http://www.pt.usbfix.net/2014/03/tutorial-do-usbfix-scan/]http://www.pt.usbfix.net/2014/03/tutorial-do-usbfix-scan/[/url]
Support : [url=http://www.sos-virus.net/]http://www.sos-virus.net/[/url]
Live detection : [url=http://how-to-remove.us/]http://ww25.how-to-remove.us/[/url]
Contact : [url=http://www.en.usbfix.net/contact/]http://www.en.usbfix.net/contact/[/url]

[b]################## | System information |[/b]

MB: Hewlett-Packard (3658)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13GHz
RAM -> [Total : 3895 Mo | Free : 2415 Mo]
Bios: Hewlett-Packard
Boot: Normal boot

OS: Microsoft(TM) Windows 10 Pro (6.3.10240 64-Bit)
WB: Internet Explorer : 11.00.10240.16384
WB: Microsoft Edge : 11.00.10240.16566 (th1.151020-1931)
WB: Google Chrome : 46.0.2490.80

[b]################## | Security Information |[/b]

AV: Windows Defender [[b](!) Disabled[/b] |Updated]
AV: AVG AntiVirus Free Edition [Enabled |Updated]
AS: Windows Defender [[b](!) Disabled[/b] |Updated]
AS: AVG AntiVirus Free Edition [Enabled |Updated]
FW: Windows Firewall [Enabled]
SC: Security Center [Enabled]
WU: Windows Update [Enabled]

[b]################## | Disk Information |[/b]

C:\ (%SystemDrive%) -> Fixed disk # 145 Gb (123 Gb free - 85%) [] # NTFS
D:\ -> Fixed disk # 140 Gb (126 Gb free - 90%) [UNIVERSIDAD] # NTFS
E:\ -> Fixed disk # 199 Mb (175 Mb free - 88%) [] # NTFS
F:\ -> Fixed disk # 99 Mb (99 Mb free - 100%) [HP_TOOLS] # FAT32
H:\ -> Removable disk # 15 Gb (227 Mb free - 1%) [SP UFD U2] # FAT32

[b]################## | Generic Research |[/b]

(!) Temporary files deleted. (0.379347801208496 MB)

[b]################## | Startup |[/b]

F2 - HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Shell] explorer.exe
F2 - [x64] HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Shell] explorer.exe
F2 - [x64] HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Userinit] C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [OneDrive] "C:\Users\Orlanjoy A. Golibart.DESKTOP-20DPK05\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe" /background
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [GoogleChromeAutoLaunch_D3DE2361732FB16DDC691787188B295F] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --no-startup-window
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [AvgUi] "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\Framework\Common\avguix.exe" /fmw.trayonly
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [AVG_UI] "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\Av\avgui.exe" /TRAYONLY
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [vProt] "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG Web TuneUp\vprot.exe"
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [SynTPEnh] %ProgramFiles%\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [IgfxTray] C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [Persistence] C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxpers.exe
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [SysTrayApp] C:\Program Files\IDT\WDM\sttray64.exe
04 - HKU\S-1-5-19\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-20\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-304569986-1048919049-2905897395-1001\..\Run : [OneDrive] "C:\Users\Orlanjoy A. Golibart.DESKTOP-20DPK05\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe" /background
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-304569986-1048919049-2905897395-1001\..\Run : [GoogleChromeAutoLaunch_D3DE2361732FB16DDC691787188B295F] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --no-startup-window

[b]################## | UsbFix - Information |[/b]

Info : [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUZYYASd7FE]How to remove shortcut virus on flash disk (Video)[/url]
Info : [url=http://www.en.usbfix.net/2014/03/remove-shortcut-virus-usb/]Shortcut virus on flash disk, What is it ?[/url]
Live detection : [url=http://how-to-remove.us/]http://ww25.how-to-remove.us/[/url]

[b]################## | C:\ %SystemDrive% - Fixed drive (NTFS) |[/b]

[09/11/2015 - 12:52:31 | A | 0 Ko] - C:\Recovery.txt
[10/11/2015 - 19:33:45 | ASH | 1441792 Ko] - C:\pagefile.sys
[10/11/2015 - 19:33:45 | ASH | 262144 Ko] - C:\swapfile.sys
[10/11/2015 - 22:49:44 | ASH | 1595336 Ko] - C:\hiberfil.sys
[09/11/2015 - 12:10:27 | D] - C:\Windows.old
[09/11/2015 - 23:36:09 | SHD] - C:\$RECYCLE.BIN
[09/11/2015 - 11:38:30 | D] - C:\$Windows.~BT
[09/11/2015 - 11:54:50 | D] - C:\PerfLogs
[09/11/2015 - 12:52:17 | SHD] - C:\Recovery
[09/11/2015 - 12:52:32 | D] - C:\$SysReset
[09/11/2015 - 20:15:42 | RD] - C:\Users
[09/11/2015 - 21:58:46 | D] - C:\Intel
[09/11/2015 - 22:03:15 | D] - C:\$AVG
[09/11/2015 - 22:04:29 | SHD] - C:\Documents and Settings
[09/11/2015 - 22:04:29 | SHD] - C:\Archivos de programa
[09/11/2015 - 23:33:58 | RD] - C:\Program Files
[09/11/2015 - 23:55:29 | D] - C:\[Smad-Cage]
[10/11/2015 - 16:01:19 | HD] - C:\ProgramData
[10/11/2015 - 16:01:47 | RD] - C:\Program Files (x86)
[10/11/2015 - 19:33:44 | D] - C:\Windows
[10/11/2015 - 23:30:33 | D] - C:\UsbFix

[b]################## | D:\ - Fixed drive (NTFS) |[/b]

[02/05/2015 - 13:28:48 | A | 10 Ko] - D:\actividades.xlsx
[18/10/2015 - 14:49:08 | A | 13 Ko] - D:\orlanjoy curriculum.xlsx
[03/11/2015 - 00:14:16 | A | 14 Ko] - D:\Calendario.xlsx
[03/11/2015 - 01:58:06 | A | 22 Ko] - D:\anexos de mi parte para orlanjoy.xlsx
[30/07/2013 - 13:24:20 | A | 1 Ko] - D:\Reglas a seguir.txt
[14/01/2014 - 18:57:54 | A | 8 Ko] - D:\Reglas a seguir 2.txt
[17/07/2015 - 23:02:50 | A | 1 Ko] - D:\Consejos del Difunto Pimentel.txt
[03/09/2015 - 21:20:30 | A | 1 Ko] - D:\FISCAL.txt
[05/11/2015 - 19:31:08 | A | 1 Ko] - D:\CRITICAS DEL PROFESOR A LA PRESENTACION.txt
[04/11/2015 - 12:52:54 | A | 363 Ko] - D:\LAS CAPACIDADES PUBLICAS.pptx
[03/07/2015 - 00:24:50 | A | 86 Ko] - D:\11667454_1040307516005852_615671245380594954_n.png
[05/10/2015 - 16:05:42 | A | 63 Ko] - D:\MI PC.png
[21/04/2015 - 17:52:00 | A | 124 Ko] - D:\BICE_2765_03-13__F02C4D4E37B3E2A79AE630D0DB10F8A9.pdf
[04/10/2015 - 19:10:18 | A | 4285 Ko] - D:\Circular-00014-y-Lineamientos-Formulacion-2015-Presupuesto-2016.pdf
[11/10/2015 - 13:46:58 | A | 242 Ko] - D:\rd.pdf
[11/10/2015 - 14:13:32 | A | 3731 Ko] - D:\cap8y9modeloregional-inflacionycrecimiento.pdf
[11/10/2015 - 14:21:20 | A | 724 Ko] - D:\Perfil_salud.pdf
[16/10/2015 - 01:58:32 | A | 594 Ko] - D:\Estatutos de ASOECO.pdf
[17/10/2015 - 23:01:08 | A | 209 Ko] - D:\Hoja de Vida - Orlanjoy Golibart.pdf
[18/10/2015 - 13:30:28 | A | 256 Ko] - D:\Orlanjoy Golibart - titulo IGLOBAL.pdf
[18/10/2015 - 13:30:40 | A | 2225 Ko] - D:\Cultura.pdf
[18/10/2015 - 14:47:28 | A | 591 Ko] - D:\Hoja de Vida - Orlanjoy Golibart - 01.pdf
[29/10/2015 - 23:35:20 | A | 599 Ko] - D:\GOPLIBART NEA.pdf
[03/11/2015 - 01:56:54 | A | 218 Ko] - D:\Filosofía y Humanidades_ ANÁLISIS DE LA ERA DE TRUJILLO, José R.pdf
[05/11/2015 - 08:43:46 | A | 397 Ko] - D:\Curriculum Vitae - Orlanjoy Golibart.pdf
[24/12/2013 - 19:11:36 | A | 39 Ko] - D:\bakistan.jpg
[04/10/2015 - 18:39:54 | A | 19 Ko] - D:\Aplicaciones quitadas.html
[03/03/2015 - 13:01:38 | A | 42 Ko] - D:\Notas de clase Contemporanea .docx
[27/05/2015 - 22:21:38 | A | 15 Ko] - D:\examen fiscal.docx
[09/09/2015 - 18:02:38 | A | 12 Ko] - D:\Farrukh Rauf Malik.docx
[25/09/2015 - 13:18:26 | A | 128 Ko] - D:\Sistema Financiero Anteproyecto Contemporanea.docx
[16/10/2015 - 02:36:28 | A | 14 Ko] - D:\CCSD - COMUNICADO ASAMBLEA.docx
[16/10/2015 - 02:37:12 | A | 47 Ko] - D:\GOLIBART NEA CV.docx
[21/10/2015 - 02:31:38 | A | 14 Ko] - D:\FISCAL -.docx
[28/10/2015 - 01:48:14 | A | 17 Ko] - D:\REPARTO DEL INFORME DE CONTEMPORANEA.docx
[01/11/2015 - 18:06:46 | A | 12 Ko] - D:\CARTA.docx
[02/11/2015 - 00:39:58 | A | 12 Ko] - D:\ELECTORAL ADRESS.docx
[03/11/2015 - 16:17:34 | A | 10 Ko] - D:\Conclusión.docx
[03/11/2015 - 16:17:44 | A | 16 Ko] - D:\Economia dominicana en el regimen de trujillo( industria, comercio exterior) Reyno.docx
[03/11/2015 - 16:33:32 | A | 28 Ko] - D:\Análisis de la era de Trujillo.docx
[04/11/2015 - 16:07:52 | A | 229 Ko] - D:\Práctica de fiscal - imprimir -.docx
[05/11/2015 - 16:03:54 | A | 13 Ko] - D:\Garcia Michel.docx
[05/11/2015 - 17:15:44 | A | 18 Ko] - D:\Ramon martinez aponte.docx
[08/11/2015 - 13:31:00 | A | 14 Ko] - D:\Indice TENTATIVO Nuevo contemporania proyecto.docx
[18/10/2015 - 14:51:00 | A | 2676 Ko] - D:\Cuestionarios (6) de caracteristicas de la ED.doc
[19/10/2015 - 16:43:44 | A | 4601 Ko] - D:\preguntasyrespuestasquedebesanalizarblog-111021180820-phpapp01.doc
[29/10/2015 - 23:36:26 | A | 88 Ko] - D:\GOPLIBART NEA.doc
[03/11/2015 - 17:20:40 | A | 181 Ko] - D:\TRABAJO JOSE CORDERO.doc
[05/11/2015 - 08:44:20 | A | 73 Ko] - D:\GOPLIBART NEA CV.doc
[09/11/2015 - 18:17:29 | SHD] - D:\$RECYCLE.BIN
[09/11/2015 - 23:42:17 | D] - D:\PREVIOUS FOLDER
[09/11/2015 - 23:42:29 | D] - D:\Proyectos
[09/11/2015 - 23:42:35 | D] - D:\PRUEBA
[09/11/2015 - 23:42:36 | D] - D:\TESIS INSHA ALLAH
[09/11/2015 - 23:43:25 | D] - D:\transferencias
[09/11/2015 - 23:43:27 | D] - D:\UASD
[09/11/2015 - 23:43:31 | D] - D:\Videos Whatsapp
[09/11/2015 - 23:57:15 | D] - D:\DESARROLLO
[09/11/2015 - 23:57:15 | D] - D:\doc's BLOC
[09/11/2015 - 23:57:15 | D] - D:\DOC'S WORD
[09/11/2015 - 23:57:16 | D] - D:\ESCRITORIO
[09/11/2015 - 23:57:16 | D] - D:\Fotos Economía
[10/11/2015 - 00:02:29 | D] - D:\Libros y Artículos En PDF
[10/11/2015 - 00:02:34 | D] - D:\Meri Jaan aur Mai
[10/11/2015 - 19:17:47 | D] - D:\01- para organizar

[b]################## | E:\ - Fixed drive (NTFS) |[/b]

[09/11/2015 - 18:17:29 | SHD] - E:\$RECYCLE.BIN

[b]################## | F:\ - Fixed drive (FAT32) |[/b]

[09/11/2015 - 18:17:30 | SHD] - F:\$RECYCLE.BIN

[b]################## | H:\ - Removable drive (FAT32) |[/b]

[26/10/2015 - 01:28:50 | AD] - H:\APP'S
[04/11/2015 - 19:08:24 | AD] - H:\A - PPs
[09/11/2015 - 10:20:12 | AD] - H:\OTROS DOCUMENTOS
[20/08/2015 - 17:44:28 | AD] - H:\Macroeconomía 1
[20/08/2015 - 17:44:30 | AD] - H:\Macroeconomía 2
[25/09/2015 - 14:20:38 | AD] - H:\Met. y Téc. de Investigación Económica
[05/10/2015 - 16:54:20 | AD] - H:\musica
[25/09/2015 - 14:21:04 | AD] - H:\Técnica de Investigación Económica
[09/11/2015 - 10:31:54 | AD] - H:\CARPETA DOCUMENTOS
[05/06/2015 - 01:55:26 | AD] - H:\Disco extraíble1
[23/10/2015 - 16:26:48 | AD] - H:\0- INTERNO
[09/11/2015 - 11:13:24 | AD] - H:\APLICACIONES
[30/10/2015 - 01:31:34 | AD] - H:\PRESENTACION PROFESOR
[09/09/2015 - 01:33:06 | AD] - H:\nueva 2
[12/07/2015 - 12:54:36 | AD] - H:\Nueva carpeta
[01/09/2015 - 13:21:42 | AD] - H:\Politica Economica
[30/10/2015 - 01:33:06 | AD] - H:\Presentacion Geopolitca Medio Oriental
[10/11/2015 - 13:15:58 | AD] - H:\Cuarentena

[b]################## | Vaccin |[/b]

C:\Autorun.inf -> Vaccine created by UsbFix (El Desaparecido)
D:\Autorun.inf -> Vaccine created by UsbFix (El Desaparecido)
E:\Autorun.inf -> Vaccine created by UsbFix (El Desaparecido)
F:\Autorun.inf -> Vaccine created by UsbFix (El Desaparecido)
H:\Autorun.inf -> Vaccine created by UsbFix (El Desaparecido)

[b]Analysed in 16.18 seconds[/b]

[b]################## | E.O.F | [url=http://www.sosvirus.net/]https://www.sosvirus.net/[/url] | [url=http://www.en.usbfix.net/]http://www.en.usbfix.net/[/url] |[/b "

----------------------- END OF THE REPORT ----------------------------------

What do you see about it?? what is the next step??

Thanks in advance!!
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Nov 16, 2015 at 04:02 PM
ry this 1

Check if the files are not in hidden mode.

Click on "Start" -->Run --> Type cmd and press Enter.

Here I assume your pendrive drive letter as G:

Enter this command.

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* --> Press Enter

You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and

paste it.

Note : Replace the letter g with your pen drive letter.

Now check your pen drive for the files.

Good Luck
Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015
Nov 18, 2015 at 10:49 AM
It does not worked for me. Well, i will keep searching for its solving. I will format my drive. Still is weird this situation its seems like just happened to me. Thanks dear brother Ambucias, your help was a breath to me.

Kind regards!
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Nov 11, 2015 at 04:03 AM
Have you opened your folders?
Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015
Nov 15, 2015 at 10:04 PM
Hi Ambucias,

Well, i did open the folders, if you checked upward i posted a picture in which i show an (open) "empty folder". Do i have hope to get back my documents yet??
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166 > Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015
Nov 16, 2015 at 05:27 AM
No sorry
Orlanjoyful Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen November 18, 2015
Nov 16, 2015 at 11:11 AM
:'( It is ok. If you can not help me out. It is not your fault. Thanks for everything. Do anyone else know somehow i can get it back??