Disk full by error

BoomyFizzle Posts 1 Registration date Monday January 4, 2016 Status Member Last seen January 4, 2016 - Jan 4, 2016 at 03:38 PM
KY_WD Posts 2053 Registration date Thursday October 23, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 28, 2017   - Jan 5, 2016 at 10:31 AM

Not sure where to begin. I completely filled up my C drive which is 111 gb's with steam and it's corresponding games. In an effort to free up space I moved the steam folder over to my secondary drive which is 1 TB. The C drive is still claiming to be full and only thing I can assume is that improperly transferring to my other drive left a copy on my C drive that I can no longer see or uninstall. So basically I'm stuck and not sure how to cleanup the primary drive. My goal is to successfully remove the files that still exist on the C drive and reinstall everything to my secondary drive.

1 response

KY_WD Posts 2053 Registration date Thursday October 23, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 28, 2017   122
Jan 5, 2016 at 10:31 AM
Hello BoomyFizzle,

You can move all of your operating system and your files by clonning them to the external drive, but beware - the external HDD has to be empty before the clonning otherwise you will lose the data. Once you have confirmed that everything is working correctly with the OS and files, you can make full erase of your internal HDD and then transfer the copy of the OS and files again.

Good luck.