Unable to detect 2nd HP monitor connected on ASUS laptop

Aimee - May 17, 2016 at 08:21 AM
 Blocked Profile - May 17, 2016 at 11:29 AM
Hello everyone,

need help. My husband's ASUS laptop (with OS Windows 10) has connected a second monitor (an HP brand) using an HDMI cable and the laptop is not detecting it. We have done the basics -- restart laptop, unplug reconnect cables from 2nd monitor to laptop, used the same hdmi cable to another laptop and it worked. We checked the display settings and it isn't detecting it at all or even identofy it.

1 response

Blocked Profile
May 17, 2016 at 10:19 AM

sometimes laptops have hotkeys which can change the display type - hve you tried there?

I have tried that already. I pressed ALT + Fn and it showed the blue screen but it said that we need to install a video card. :(
Blocked Profile > Aimee
May 17, 2016 at 11:29 AM
Is the laptop capable of supporting a second screen?

Are you able to output to the second monitor only?