Saving mails to a removable drive

Scorp1967 Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday September 13, 2016 Status Member Last seen January 6, 2017 - Oct 11, 2016 at 06:50 PM
captainashish Posts 20 Registration date Thursday May 12, 2016 Status Member Last seen November 28, 2016 - Oct 20, 2016 at 07:47 AM
I would like to know how I am able to save all the emails in my microsoft outlook to a removable drive. I tried exporting but it tells me that it is not loaded onto the system. Are emails stored on the hard drive. I have to get all the mails onto another computer with microsoft outlook, alternatively would like to back up onto an eject media


1 response

captainashish Posts 20 Registration date Thursday May 12, 2016 Status Member Last seen November 28, 2016
Oct 20, 2016 at 07:47 AM
To load all the Outlook emails from one system to another simply copy your PST file from default location to your pen drive or any removable device. After moving this PST file to another device you might receive an error. This happens because PST file is set to read-only attribute.You need to disable the read-only attribute of the file. To know step by step procedure in detail with the screenshots refer this informative blog:

P S. If you receive any particular issue. Kindly provide the screenshot such that I can help you for better results. Feel free to contact.

Thanks & Regards,
Captain Ashish