Being told I've tried too many times when I try to log into FB
Registration date
Thursday December 8, 2016
Last seen
December 8, 2016
Dec 8, 2016 at 02:29 PM
glutenfree11 - Dec 8, 2016 at 06:36 PM
glutenfree11 - Dec 8, 2016 at 06:36 PM
I have 2 FB accts, one personal and the other for business. I was on my personal page and logged out to log into my business one. That was successful. I tried logging back onto my personal page and got a notice that I have tried too many times to log back in and told to retry. After one try? I waited for about an hour, still not able to get in. I tried again this morning and same thing. So I can no longer get to either acct on my desktop, after trying to reset passwords...I keep getting the same notice that I've tried too many times. But I am able to get to my personal acct on my phone and my business acct on my tablet. I really need to be able to get to both of them on my desktop like I was able to before. How can this be fixed?
- You've tried to log in too many times. to protect your account, a temporary block has been placed on logging in. please try again later.
- You are visiting this page too often. please try again later. - Best answers
- Facebook you are visiting this page too often - Best answers
- Facebook says I have been trying too often ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Facebook account is Temporary blocked - Facebook Forum
- Facebook, your account has been locked - Facebook Forum
- Instagram keeps logging me out - Guide
- Your account is temporarily unavailable regain access by logging in from a web browser - Facebook Forum