The discussions
My facebook account have been disable
Hello, Plzzz help me my facebook have been disable plzz help me i want my account back Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Disable my facebook account
Hello, My facebook account have been disable plzzzzz plzzzz help me i want my facebook account back as soon as posible plzzz help me its ...
Can't log in my account
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0 please help
Unable to access fb after i reformed my phone and opened anothe
Hello, i am unable to load to my facebook after i reformed my phone and opened another account i need to have access of the first account its apea...
Confirmation code in facebook
Hello, I'm yammie yawellehk I have problem with the confirmation code..I send a request to send my confirmation code in fb.but I'm waiting too long....
Change my facebook language from arabic to english
SolvedHello, i want to change my facebook language from arabic to english. my id is ***@*** S...
Wanted: used facebook confirmation codes
Hello, Are there any already used Facebook Confirmation codes that I could use? I forgot my password for my email. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Configu...
Log in problem about hours back
Hello, F.b not sending me 6 digit but repeatedly telling they have number is deleted by moderator. I'm old user.forgot password. Config...
Not able to open my account am forget password
Hello, I am not able to open my account am forget password & i lost my mobile am click on forget password but i don't receive any co...
Chosing email or number option
Hello, my login page is telling me to chose an email or number to login with bt it doesnt give me chosing options,just the submit option only C...
Help me to enable my facebook account please.
Help me to enable my Facebook account please.
I can't log in my facebook account
Hello, When I want to log in my fb account. The following fact is shown Thank you We'll take a look at your documents and will let you know ...
I haven't any yahoo account and i'v forgot facebook password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80 hello sir ..I have forgot my Facebook password and I haven't yahoo account and other account ....I...
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80 can you please help me with my Facebook password, I can't get access with my email because I was usi...
Cant log to my fb acct.
Hello, Help in opening my fb acct Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Signing my account lost my mobile number & my email id
Hello, I have lost my mobile number & my email Id from my fb account so please help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My facebook page as been hacked
Hello, my page hs been hacked Configuration: Windows / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Lost facebook
For days now I can't even load Facebook? On anything? It attempts to open up but never does. If I try and sign is it says wrong password etc? I get...
Unblock facebook
how can i log in facebook with the unblock sites of facebook? Thank You
Someone hacked my fb account
Hello, someone hacked my fb account and he also change my email and password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.53
Facebook profile problem
Hello,I can log on I can see all the features but when I am trying to open my profille or homepage it says that it has an error and my profile name ha...
Request to get back my facebook account
Hello, My account is block as i have my personal things like my messages n etc in my account so i request to get it back as soon as possible! C...
I want to reactive my fb account
Hello, I want to reactive my Facebook account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 35.0.1916.141
My hacked facebook account
My facebook account has been hacked changed pin and deativated and i don't have an access to my email so how cn i recover it because i need it back?
Need help for reactivate my account
SolvedHello, My Facebook confirmation code cannot be receive by my yahoo account. i want to reactivate my existing Facebook account. Config...
Fake id to be blocked
Hello, my fake id has beeb created and i want to block it Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Cannot log in fb
Hello, I cannot log in to FB. It was ok yesterday, but not today. I need help. Thank you, Suzie Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11...
Cant log my account
Hello i can' t log into my facebook account when i tried to log there ask me to enter password and when i enter my password again i got notification...
Login problem
Hello, i am also facing same problem , it is seem to be loging but the home pages are not displayed giving a message " Sorry, this feature isn't av...
Temporarily locked
Hello, This is Vikrant Here I have problem with facebok .... which is .... i can able to open my facebook account but its Temporarily Locked & secur...
My facebook account open problem plz help ?
Samsung s4
Recover my facebook
Hello, i am not able to access fb from 1month. Pls help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Hello can you help me please?i cant open my fb account huhuhu.
Hello, Hello please help me huhuhu I'm so so much worried ..I can't open my fb account ..please help me please ..please .. Configuration: iPhon...
Haven't been able to login to my facebook since october
I haven't been able to login to my facebook since October last year I'm a mobile user I neither have or know how to use a computer somehow last night ...
Problem in receiving confirmation email
Hello, I forgot my Facebook password when I tried to reset my password I was said that I would get a confirmation email but I didn't get any email...
Facebook confirmation code not received
SolvedHello, Facebook Confirmation Code not received in my mobile. what can i do? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 36.0
Cant access my facebook 3 days from now
Hello, i cant access my facebook 3 days from now, i dont know why, why i cant open it
Deepa zaildar
Hello, my facebook name is deepa zaildar,city geeorgiia Tbilisi home tone is Dubai,work is rustavi autohouse,please halp,***@*** Configuration...
Facebook page hacked
Hello, Dear. May Facebook page hacked Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Need old facebook
Hello, I use a phone number I no longer remember. Its been a while but I would rather receive my old Facebook than start a new one.Can I use my name t...
How to recover my fb hacked account
Hello, i can't get access to my fb account. Please help me to rstore it. Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Someone make fake fb my name they put my pics and my name
Hello, Someone make fake fb my name they put my pics and my name how i can delete that fake fb plz help me thanks Configuration: iPhone / Safa...
Unable to log in to the facebook account
SolvedHello, When I try to log in into my Facebook account I am getting following line on the screen. Please help me to get through this. Sorry, this fea...
Problem in logging in to fb account
Hello, i am not able to acccess my fb account...if i log in it shows ''this feature is not available''...wat to do?? plzz help mee Configurat...
My facebook not open
Hello, my account is not opening. I entered my user id and password and it was showing An error occurred while processing this request. Please try a...
Facebook is not loading
Hello, i can not seen face book webpage. Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 35.0
Change the language
SolvedCan someone please help me? I was typing on face book and the language switched. Now I can't get it off of what it went to back to English.