The discussions
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello Sir When I Open My Fb Id Shows Like This Unfortunately We r reviewing these additional documents we appericiate your passions s...
Facebook reviewing photo
Hello, My self pravin lonari my facebook account is suddenly get block and give problem and can't open from last 7 to 8 day You can't use Faceboo...
Facebook account enabled
ClosedHello sir, My account was disabled since 28 June . I request to Enable My Account . Thanks for your help
How to open my facebook account
Hello, Sir Please Back my facebook account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Facebook didn't receive the recovery email
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109 I forgot my Facebook password...
Delete a hacked facebook account
Hello, could you please delete my facebook account with immediate effect as it has been hacked. My account has already been disactivated. ...
Unable to log in to facebook
Hello, I have created my account first time on FB. But it is not allowing me to login after completing successful registration. It says account is l...
Unfortunately block open
Helo. Sir pls opening the my id System Configuration: Android / Chrome61.0.3163.128
Confirm facebook identity
Hello, Why they keep asking over and over for my identity. In so sick of it. Can't log in now. They did it 3 times with others pages and never let m...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Iam ihsan i have a serious problem my Facebook
How to see people who blocked me on facebook?
How can I see what friends have blocked me?
I cant download code generator/ get sms code
Hello, I have been trying to log into my Facebook 4 almost 2 months now and I keep sending Facebook my photo ID and I still cannot get the code ge...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Thanks for your help We'll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more help with confirming your name,...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello Sir I Open My Fb Id Show Like This Unfortunately We r reviewing these additional documents we appreciate your passion sir this account ...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello sir when I open my fb id shows like this unfortunately we r reviewing these addi- tonal documents we appre- ciate your passion sir t...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, Please help me,,I want to open my block Facebook System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Someone stole my facebook account
Hello, I cannot login to my Facebook account someone has changed the phone number on the account and someone has changed the password on the account I...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, my facebook a/c hack. email id & password change .Profile basic information is hiden. how can recover it ? System Configuration: Windows...
Facebook hacked
Hello, My Facebook was hacked over week ago nobody's helping me don't no what or how to get it back System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67...
Facebook account hacked
Someone hacked my Facebook changed my password and added and yahoo email to it so when I smash forgotten password it sends a code to that yahoo email ...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello sir when I open my fb id show like this unfortunately we r reviewing these additional documents we appreciate your passions sir this ...
Identity confirm
How can i confirm my Facebook identity with my added gmail account? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.121
Can't get in my facebook account
Hello, When trying to access my Facebook account I get error message you've tried too many codes please try again later. I have waited a week befo...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How i can open my disabled acount on facebook.if any have link plz guide me. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108
Page of the facebook doesn't load any web
Hello, Sir page of the facebook doesn't load any web, because here have protested so I want to ask you How I can solve this problem? Thank you
Facebook account disabled
Hello, plz enable my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Pls help me my facebook account was disable enligible i sent may submit appeal and they reply this Thursday, july 28, 2018at 10:24am ...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, So far all those solution didnot help me to get back my facebook account.. somebody had hacked and change my profile picture and also changed ...
Wife photo fake id used
Hello, please shan gill facebook id delete System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 67.0.3396.99
Cant remember email or phone #i used to sign into
Hello, I have my webpage address and my screen name , but I cant get into my account. I don't know what email or phone number I used System Con...
Facebook asking to confirm my identity
Closedmail login my account but Facebook asking confirm your identity
Disabled account security reasons
Hello, Hi Facebook my personal account was disabled security reasons please help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Reopen my facebook account
Hello, Sir my fb account is not open plz reopen me .this is my acount number fb ***@*** .plz open me. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56...
Facebook account was disabled
Hello, Hello, sir, my facebook account was disabled p;ease open my account.......
Password recovery
facebook recovery password
Lost contact list after being hacked
Hello, How do I recover my list of contacts that has been erased? System Configuration: Windows / Edge 17.17134
Facebook keeps shutting down
Hello, Facebook opens and then just closes it has happened many times pls help System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Hacked facebook account
Hello, Can you please help me recover my girlfriends account because her facebook account has been hacked by someone and the hacker is blackmailin...
How to confirm my identity on facebook?
Solved/ClosedHello sir I am login my Facebook account but asking confirm your identity
My case was closed why can't i get my facebook
I just want my Facebook back
Facebook asking to confirm my identity
Hello, i cant access my Facebook account always asking to confirm my identity i did that over and over but the problem not solved System Config...
My facebook account is disabled
Hello .. i have a problem in my facebook when i login it say Your account has been disabled by an administrator i want to know why i am disabled pleas...
Unblock my account
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.146 Sir Plz unblock my account . Thanks for your help
Unable to access my facebook account
Hello, I try to log into my facebook and it says something about identity but none of my friends can't find my page either. What does this mean ...
Hacked and deactivated
Hello, My account is haced by hacker i can not login . Its asking me to confirm i r identity System Configuration: Android / Ch...
Valid number problem on facebook
Hello, Sir This is my email..arb********* Look urban... My number 0092************ But sir my valid number not canfarmed why......
Facebook account hacked
Hello, I'm not good on computer etc an my Facebook got hacked can someone help System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
Facebook account disabled
Sir my account has been disabled kindly please resolve my problem. M not violate any terms and conditions. I don't know why my account is disabled. Pl...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, BI System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is Arxlaan khan . My account was deactivated I guess for breaching the terms and policy ... I did do as requested from Facebook a...