The discussions
Facebook blocked by my office
Solved/ClosedHello, I cannot open facebook since itis blokvd by my office, i dont have access to administrator,, do you know a solution? Configuration: Wind...
Unable to login
Hello, Hello, My facebook got hacked, and I try to log in to my facebook account. When I log it to my facebook account, it asks me to enter my s...
Recover deleted facebook messages
Hello, How to recovery deleted message from facebook. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 33.0.1750.517
How to upload my profile photo on facebook?
Hello, How to upload my profile photo on Facebook? Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Help for fake account
Hello, respected sir, a fake account has been created nd some irrelevant photos are posted. i do not have any access to the account nd i canno...
Facebook code
Hello, What if it won't let me log in like as it won't load and its not the connection I just don't know what's wrong with it. Configuration: i...
Family matter
Hello, dear sir, one stupid boy had created a facebook fake id of my sister name. when i saw this. i shoked bcoz i dont want it. plz help me... si...
Not able to open my account
Hello, One day i was getting a bunch of messages from unknown people. Then when i open my account it was written that plz enter ur password when i...
Confirmation code
Hello, I FORGOT MY CONFIRMATION code please give me my confirmation code Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Sir pls help me why my account disabled
Hello, sir i want my facebook login Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My account was block due to network error so i cant access
Hello, my account was blocked due to network error and now i cant access my mails nor log in to face-book Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 36...
My facebook acount is disable
Hello, please help me because my Facebook acount is disabled Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Facebook fake id
Hello, Hi sir, Somebody has downloaded my pics and created a new FB ID using my name and photo. I reported to facebook, they had blocked that ac...
It seems incorrect password
Hello, sir, i changed my facebook password through fb app from my nokia 320 mobile i m trying to login the same account with that chang...
Facebook account blocked
please my facebook Account cant open cause they said i sis not use my pics there so it blocked and how can i solve and get my fb back to use
I cant login to my facebook account
Solved/ClosedHello, I am trying to look gin to my facebook account and it says I must identifiy my self first by identifying pictures of people. when I click c...
Forgetting facebook password
SolvedHello, I forgot my fb password can you help me? Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
Internet explorer cannot display the webpage
SolvedI haven't been able to get to my login on Facebook and I can't do a system restore, it keeps timing out. I have Vista, it looks like Windows did an u...
Hello, i was blocked by a friend and i have no other contact to him but facebook how can i contact him through facebook? Configuration: Windo...
Deactivate account
Hello, I want to deactivate my account Configuration: Mac OS X (10.9.5) / Safari 7.1.3
I forgot my facebook password
Hello, Can u help me to reset my facebook password? Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
Fake id deleted
Hello, sir somebody had made my fake facebook id and upload some photos, that was my fake id . Sir i want to delet my fake id please help me or give m...
I have not recieved a confirmation code for 4 days
Hello, Hi guys. I have been waiting 4 days now for a confirmation code to come through. I have sent out enquiries to facebook to clear it. nothin...
This webpage is not available
I have been trying for the last 3 days to log into my facebook account, but it keeps telling me that this webpage is unavailable. I can surf anywhere ...
I can not get in to my old account
SolvedHello, I had signed up for facebook years ago but never really used it, it is my email address and i have no users name or pass word. But it always ...
Facebook account stolen from me
Hello, My fb page has been compenmised i cant use my email or password please help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 30.0.1599.103
Facebook account was hacked
Hello, Sir/Madam I forgot my Password and Security question and i need to access my account because my facebook account was hacked and i need i...
Locked out of facebook
I have been locked out of my Facebook account for a couple of months. Each time I try to log in it says it has been locked for security reasons. It ei...
How to get a confirmation code from facebook
SolvedHello How to get a confirmation code from Facebook I didn't get one please help
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80how can I unblock my fb account without giving an ID
I lost 8,000 of my kids pics..i need help gettin in my fb
Hello, My fb has been hacked, I never used an email to make my fb page, I used my phone number to register. Now I can't get in with my password. I...
Hello, sir how to check computer carificate bcz fb dose nt work and other website also Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 40.0.2214.111
Facebook photo verification
Hello, please anyone help me Facebook has been disable my account without any reason and giving photo verification on my account but i have a lot fri...
Disabled fb account
Hello, how can i enable my disabled fb account? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 13.0
Fb site is not opening
Hello, facebook site is not opening on both of my browsers why?(firefox & google chrome) Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 40.0.2214.111
Logging in probl
when i open my acoount the com said plz log in when i try to log in it asked ques but wen i ansr it reply wrong ans after 5 time ansr its not showing ...
Facebook has been hacked
Hello, My internet facebook has been hacked and it is affecting everything else on my internet? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Disable account
dear sir how to enabke my account
Facebook code
Hello, hello I need help Configuration: iPhone / Mozilla Indeterminable
Reactivation facebook account
Hello, im niaz ali khan,my facbook account is disabeled,please tell me how i reactivate it now Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.99
Facebook issues
Hello, when i entered my log in id and password then this shows Your Computer Needs To Be Cleaned It looks like your computer is being affecte...
Forget my fb id passward
Hello, I forget my Facebook Id pass ward Nd I don't remember my related Id pass ward also Nd d no register in it is also not available biw wat to do ...
Facebook log in problem
ive broken my phone and had been logged into facebook on that phone, I can not log into my facebook account on any other device because it sends me a ...
Faceboo id has been hack what i doing
Hello, sir my faceboo id has been hack what I doing Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 34.0.1809.0
Facebook password
Hello, I struggel to get in my face book. Face book block me of I did not now my pass word and I am not happy with this all the time they said. To ...
Unable to open my fb
Hello, i have changed my password and i have forgot new password Configuration: Mac OS X (10.10) / Firefox 35.0
Defamation on facebook - please help!
someone has created a facebook account using my id name, as well as place of employment, photos of family members, etc. and has posted private photos,...
My facebook temporarily blocked since last night i need verifica
Hey im eeman please help me to my problem my facebook temporarily blocked I nees verification code but I cant recieve message how can I enter the code...