The discussions
Your account has been disabled
Dear Sir my facebook account in insert password then (Your account has been disabled) this massage display and click on ( Facebook Commun...
Facebook internet explorer cannot display this webpage
SolvedI cannot get into my Facebook account...keeps coming up "Internet Explorer cannot display this webpage.
My facebook account is disable how to activate it plz
my facebook account is disable plz help me how to activate it
Account not opening
Hello, my facebook account is not opening....while when i log in it says that i should submit some license and some other and whats the need of thes...
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, I can't find my account. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My facebook disable to unable ?
SolvedHello, i want activate my facebook disable account, please help me. Thanks. Krushna Chandra Sahoo
Facebook confirmation code
Hello, I want to know my email confirmation code to sign in Facebook Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
Can't access both fb accounts-only one
Hello, this morning I set up a second FB account using the email address for my cell phone, which is different than the email address on my Mac. Now ...
Can't login my facebook account says "please change your name"
Hello, my fb account is not working.. when I enter my email and password in fb login section FB Says "Please Change Your Name" i have change my n...
My facebook account hacked
Hello, my facebook account hacked. my fb id and password changed. how i get back my fb account pls help below email address is my friends addre...
Someone is useing my account
Hello, somebody is useing my account and changed my password
My ex is using my facebook acct and i cant get in it
Hello, my ex changed the name on my Facebook acct to his and the acct is registered to my email, which i have proof of. They have locked my Faceboo...
My account hacked
Hello, I think My FB account has been hacked by someone.I can't recover my account Please Help me to Recover my Account. Configuration: iPhone ...
Face book recovery of account
Hello, I need to recover my account .please help to recover my Facebook account tanx
Facebook hacked
Hello, my facebook acount have been hacked please help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 37.0
How to make email of facebook
Hello, how to make email of facebook Configuration: Windows / Firefox 37.0
Hello, why disable my facebook account
My face book account
Hello, my face is not opening since last week my i d is srinagesh amin plese help to open my account at the earliest Configuration: Windows 7 /...
Hello, Send code again Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Hi guys how to create an account for facebook with my company em
Hello, I am Facing a problem while signing up in facebook with my company email so please let me know how to create an account for facebook with my ...
Facebook logon
Hello, i have problem i can,t login my facebook i don,t know the reason pls can you help me Configuration: Windows / Chrome 41.0.2272.101
Internet facebook is being disabled i will like to get it back
Hello, my facebook account has been disabled i will like to get it back as soon as possible thank you very much Configuration: Windows / Chr...
Facebook confirmation
Hello, please sent me verification code for facebook cause i fotgot it Configuration: Linux / Chrome 11.0.696.34
Hello, plz help to open the fb Configuration: Windows / Chrome 38.0.2125.19
Hello, facebook hack Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
Help me someone has hacked my fb account
Hello, plz help me someone has hacké my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 41.0.2272.96
Forgot my fb acnt name nd password
Hello, i forgot my fb acnt name nd pass wrd but my fb acnt showed another persons acnt please hlp me Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.227...
Fb login prob
Hello, I can't access my fb account whenever I try to open it , it says that it's temporarily unavailable...... Plz somebody help plz plz plz ...
Disabled facebok account
Hello, how are you. sir , my facebook accoun...
Is facebook still down? up to this moment?
because up to this moment I cant access facebook. Thanks :)
Facebook home page can't load
Solvedcant open my facebook profile nd home options... the page is blank when I click it... plz help me out
I can't access facebook on my laptop and iphone
I can access everything except facebook. My laptop is in windows 8.1 and my iPhone is in iOS 8.2 .. I tried deleting all the cookies, restart, I check...
Facebook was supposed to send me my confirmation code to my emai
Hello, facebook was supposed to send me my confirmation code to my email, but I never got it. I looked in all of my folders, but still can't find it. ...
Enable facebook account
Hello, please help me enable my facebook account Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari
Facebook unsubscribe
Hello, how do i unsubscribe from my facebook account as i am not able to get it working? I would like to close it completely down and then set it up...
Facebook account hacked
Hello I am Bipul Chowdhury,Worked at Ministry of health and family welfare,Bangladesh. I studied at Clinical Social Work,ISWR,University of Dhaka.My...
Unable to get facebook page to display
Solved/ClosedI have been having this issue for a few days now. This is the message I receive This webpage is not available Google Chrome could not load the we...
Where to enter facebook confirmation code
Solved/ClosedHello, I received confirmation code but where it write System Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.101
Need code
Hello, I need my confirmation code for facebook send to me now, please. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
My facebook is not working
SolvedHello, my facebook is not working Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 7.0
Verifying account
Hello I can't log into my Facebook every time I try it says verified account get started I've try so many times but I just don't know all the people ...
Facebook acount hacked n dealted
Hello, my Facebook been hacked deleted n can't get it back how do a get it and how do a find the person that dune it Configuration: Mac OS X /...
My facebook was haked
Hello, hello Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 36.0
It would be block my facebook account someone hack
Someone change my facebook account and i know him..its better block my fb account how i block i cannot log
Facebook account disable
Hello, My Facebook Account Disable Now how To Enable plz enbil Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.101
Fb says already have an account your phone number.
Hello, I can't enter my phone number I don't know what is problem the fb says already have an account your phone number. Can you help me Conf...
Confirmation code
Hello, i need a Facebook confirmation code to login . my facebook account is blocked Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80
Hi my new password
Hi sir pls my new password I forgot to my gmail account password
My password is lost
Hello, hello sir/madam my facebook is not working...bcz someone hack my account so can you plz solve my problem Configuration: Windows 7 / Fire...
Facebook is down for required maintenance right now, but you sho
Hello, i unable to open my account Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 38.0.2125.101