The discussions

Openssl yahoo mail login fails

Hello, I am trying to trouble shoot yahoo email connectivity specifying IMAP with openssl to diagnose.  Is there any way to get yahoo to support this...

Whatsapp: where it stores media/macbook/icloud

Hi Guys, first time here:-) Question: I have been using WhatsApp on my iPhone for years. Recently purchased a MacBook. Since I also use iCloud, it ma...

Pressing camera button does not work on whatsapp

Pressing the camera icon next to the text field in whatsapp to initiate a video note does not work; it merely brings up a square image of a camera ico...

Cant access google account

2 step verification is on and i lost old phone and cant access my gmail because its through my google account

I could not create a new yahoo account

while creating the account it asks me to enter my phone number for a confirmation but I do not receive no codes which constitute a big problem because...

How to block camera interference while listening voice

Hello, I have found an annoying feature in whatsapp which is not e.g. in telegram. When I listen to the voice message like when I am walking outside ...

Go to first message in a chat

Does the whatsap team REALY NOT have the ability to give us a button to go directly to the first message in a "whatsap" chat, similar to the current T...

Visit-nosteam-forum.html error

Hello, Please when installing I get an error message saying windows can't find visit -nosteam-forum.html. please wats the solution 

Location update

Hello, Why is it that when someone else's location is shared with me in real time for 8 hours, the location update is not in real time and it takes 5...

My whatsapp isn't working

Hello,my WhatsApp isn't working because I am using mtn let's stop buying mtn sim since dey can't do anything to our problem and whatsapp should do som...

Folders not visible when moving emails

Hello, When I try and move certain emails out of the inbox in to folders, I am seeing an issue where specific folders are not showing in the folder l...

Whatsapp otp issue

Hello, MY WhatsApp verification otp not coming On My WhatsApp please help me 

Whatsapp doesn't restore chats from backup

Samsung A54, which had WhatsApp installed with two phone numbers, broke down. Google Drive contains backups of both the phone itself and WhatsApp chat...

Google and gmail account reset without sms or verifications

Hello, i cnnot change my google password and i cannot receieve any verifications via email or sms I dont have access to receive an sms or email 

Folders disappearing

Hello, I moved email into a folder (pension), when I received another email a few days later I wanted to move the email, but the folder had disappeare...

My screen turns off when i play whatsapp audio.

My screen turns off when I play WhatsApp Audio or when I call. What can I do?? ????

Gmail account hacked, unknown phone is using it

Hello, Hey my gmail account was hacked an password was change an there is an Samsung AU11 that I don't know whose using my account can you please rec...

Transfer whatsapp videos

Transfer of WhatsApp was part of the Sony setup new phone process between old and new Sony phones. It did it without asking me. My chat is all on the...

Gif selection overlay preventing playing videos

Hello, my Android 9 messenger app recently started including a gif selection overlay bar which pops up when I open a chat message and touch the screen...

Can't access my yahoo mail account

Hello, When I log in to my Yahoo Mail, I get an uh-oh message, and my phone doesn't receive a notification either. Please help me

Not receiving whatsapp code

Hello, I have lost my phone, now i am trying to register my whatsapp on new phone, but i am not receiving the 6 digit verification code. its been alm...

Using new phone, cannot get code ...

Hello, recently bought a new Samsung phone, previously used Huawei.  Used Whatsapp on the Huawei.  Took my SIM out of Huawei and put it into Samsung, ...

Call hsbc usa

Hello, can I call hsbc usa bank via whatsapp from UK and what number.

Decode email asterisk

can you help me docode this email address\/ y**********@***

Access to whatsapp account

Hello, I can't get back into my whatsapp account after my phone broke and I had to get a new one with a new sim card and mobile number. The number I...

If any one have same issue?

Error: "553 5.7.2 [TSS09] All messages from (XXX.XX.XXX.XX) will be permanently deferred; Retrying will NOT succeed. See https://postmaster.yahooinc.c...

Results 1 - 26 out of a total of 26