The discussions
Forget password
Hello, pls help check ymail password....i'm forget alrd..... my account id is?***@***?
Incoming/outgoing mail server for gmail.
Hello, This is what I have read from others with the same question: But my HTC Desire 510 phone says they are invalid server addresses. Google G...
I can not access my yahoo account on mobile please solve problem
Hello, Sir,I can not log in my yahoo account on mobile please solve the problem immediately Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgotten my password in gmail
Hello, i have forgotten my password in gmail.i had tried a lot to reset buy in veins.please help me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.217...
I lived in uk now i moved to itlay
Hello, I lived in uk now I moved to Itlay I don't have access to my phone number and alternet email so what can I do Please help me ??? Confi...
How can i get back my facebook.
Hello, I forget my facebook and gmail password. How can I get back my facebook and gmail. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forget gmail password and security question
Hello, respected sir, i have forget my Gmail password and security question. i can't able to log in plz help me to access my gmail acc...
Please help me... i need my yahoo account badly
Dear Sir I can t open my yahoo account and I ve forgotten my password and the security Quest. I can open my yahoo mail on my mobile phone only Can ...
I forgot my gmail password and security question
Hello, Please help me to find my password or to create a new one as I forgot my password and security question on my ***@*** accout Configurati...
I forget my password and security question
Hello, i forget my yahoo password and security question? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
I forget my password and security question
Hello, I ismael lawal have forget my yahoo password and pls I need get it back Configuration: iPad / Safari 7.0
I forgot my password
Hi My name is Hilen,I had a yahoo email that I used as my facebook email address now I forgot my password for facebook and they are sending me a code...
Please send the recovery password to ***@***
Hello, can you reset my password.. i dont remember the password and the recovery question.. this is my gmail ***@*** Please :( Configuration: ...
Yahoo i forget my password
Hello, i forget my password and security questions. please need your help for accessing my mail. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 28.0.1500.95
Password reset
Hello, My name is amantlegodfrey ngolwane nd I forget my email nd password pls help me to get my password right, my using sum sung mini s4 Conf...
Lost emails
Hello, I changed my password and lost all my previous e-mails. Is there a way of restoring them. Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0
Forgotten my yahoo password
Hello, I have forgotten my yahoo password and can't check my mail Configuration: iPad / Safari 7.0
Forget password and security questions
Hello i forgot my password ,security questions and I change my number phone. how can I access to my account ***@***? thanks Configuration: iPh...
Please help me to access my account
Hello, dear yahoo team am having trouble to log in my account i cant remember password or security questions please i need yr help my email i c...
I need help with my email
Hello, Every time I try signing into my email it tells me I have the wrong password or that my email is not right. And I know my email and password ...
How to recover deleted message from trash
Hello, i hope you are fine.I had moved an message from inbox to draft and from there to to the trash and then deleted it by mistake last saturday.i ...
Forgot password
Hello, i have a new phone number and forgot my password to my ymail. when i try the option "forgot password" i keep getting sent text to "phone th...
Old deleted mail
Ian not very good at this and have deleted an e/mail more than 30 days old under delete for ever I need to recover this main as it is tickets for my g...
Correct time on gmail account
Hello, My gmail time is incorrect how do I fix it Configuration: Windows / Mozilla 11.0
I forgot yahoo security question
Hello, i forgot yahoo security question Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
Hello, Hi, I forgot my yahoo mail password questions answers please help me thank you please help me Send me answer to this email ***@**...
Iforgotmypassword how can find me
Hello, i am ManjeeNayak from warangal district. iforgot my password how can find me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 35.0
Forget password
Hello, i forgot my password and lost my phone so i cant get the pincode yahoo sent. how can i reset my password using security question Conf...
Forgot my yahoo password and security quest
ClosedHello, forgot my yahoo password and security quest Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
Forgot my secret question to my yahoo account.
Hello, I need to know how to recover my secret question answer. I forgot it. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 39.0.2171.59
I have an urgent mail ineed to reply urgently.
Hello, How can i recover my passwword and security question. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
No password
Hello, Hi how do I recover my yahoo I'd? Configuration: iPhone / Safari 6.0
Hello i am here
Hello, please my account register Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
Hello, i want my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Yahoo mail
Hello, i forgot my yahoo guestions answer plz help me plz. Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0
.ph on the yahoo mail add
SolvedHello, Since there's no way to remove the .ph in my email add, I tried signing up another account with the same username/ID but why is it un-availab...
Forgot gmail password
Hello I had forgot my gmail password,please help me. it's urgent thanking you.
Forgot answer to my secret question
Hello, Hi there, plz help me as i forgort my secret question, s answer. I have to check out my important e mails but this major problem occure. Pl...
Please iam forgot my gmail password please help
Hello, Please help sir , i forgot my mail password please help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
How to retreive messages from gmail even after deleting from tra
Hello, How to retrieve the permanently deleted msg from gmail even after deleting from trash 3 months ago Any one tell me how to do .. Its ur...
Reset password
Hello, I forgot my yahoo email address password and alternative email address password,moreover i have changed mobile numbers so i cannot use my mob...
Hello, I am Arun forget my gmail password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot password.....
i forgot my yahoo pasword and also forgot alternative email so what should i do ......
My account yahoo password
I frogot my yahoo password and I also forgot one of my security questions and then I got locked out for 12 hours what should I do????????
Email recovery from another country
Hello, I lost my mobile device and given recovery email address also not accessible. Now I'm trying to login from different country and different...
I cant access my yahoo email
Hello kindly help me access my Yahoo email for i have a vital information in there.My email is and the alternative email i used for ...
Forgot security question
Hello, I forgot my security question. Plz help me open yahoo mail. Configuration: iPhone / Safari Indeterminable
Cannot access account since i changed country, used new laptop.
Hello, Hi yahoo? Please help. I cannot access my account since I changed the country. I also use a new mobile phone number and laptop. Also I don'...
Hello, I am unable to access my hotmail account from my home pc since outlook took over any ideas please? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox...