The discussions
Hello, sir me LAN cheating setup karna chahtha hu me ne 2 pc lan se connect kar diya or ping or sharing bhi ho rhe he bt LAN cheating on kese h...
Pls help with security code nokia 2700c-2 imei 356982/04/423509/0
Closedcan you pls with the security code nokia 2700c-2
Reformat pc
Hello, Can you please teach me how to reformat my computers. I do not know what are steps and the necessary softwares needed for this operations....
Blocked hotmail account, really need access to it! help
Hello, my hotmail account was hacked and then blocked, i tried numerous times to unblock it by filling out questionnaires but now it says just to ...
I forgot my secret questions and answers
Hello, What shiuld i do....? I completely forgot my secret answers.please do something right in a nig trouble with my immigration purpose. ...
Installation of ie7
Hello, what is the problem for not installing ie7 after downloading complete Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 24.0.1312.52
Hw answer the secret question
Hello, . I do not remember the secret question answer .please help me
Hi i forget my password and secret queston answer
Hello, I forgot my yahoo mails security questions answer.Total 2 questions. 1st questions answer I know. Second questions answer I dont rememb...
I forget password & 2nd security answer i want to recover my id
Solved/ClosedHello, I forgot my yahoo mails security questions answer.Total 2 questions. 1st questions answer I know. Second questions answer I dont remember. Few...
Problem of yahoo security question
Hello, please, for how long will I wait for my yahoo problem to be solved . I have problem of yahoo security answer to my security question. Please as...
Usb disable to all pcs
Hello, I have seen how to disable usb to the single pc with manually..this is good for me. but i need disable to all pc at a time. Is it ...
Recover my yahoo account
Hello, i'm john ryan agustin from philippines, i joined these site, because i just want to ask why thus my account prompting my security questio...
Your account has been blocked - hotmail
Solved/ClosedHello, How can i access my hotmail account it has been block from yesterday. When i am trying he is sending code my email id which is closed. ...
How can i active my gmail
Hello, my gmail account has been disabel please help me to active my account regards Configuration: Windows XP / Intern...
Hello, I cannot open my account in yahoo because i already forgotten the security questions that being asked. pls tell me what to do. Configura...
Password recovery
Hello, i forgot yahoo password and security answers how can i know my password and open my mail Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 23.0.1271....
Its very urgent ( i forgot my 1 of yahoo secrit question!!
This is ayesha Hello There i forgot my 1 security question of my yahoo account... wht should to do?? plz tel me what to do..??
Forgot password
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1271.97 I forgate my gmail password and recovery mail address
Hotmail is blocked
Hello, my account of hotmail is blocked .. how do i unblock it pls help Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1271.97
Email lost in composition
SolvedHello, After typing a long email on gmail, I attached a file which I later tried to remove and in the process deleted the whole email. I looked in t...
Problem playing a video
Hello, videos are not playing online any one can help me????plz!!! Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 8.0
Downloader activation
when my down loader be activated.please help me in deactivating previous downloaderHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0 ...
My yahoo account has been hacked even secret answers are also ch
SolvedHello, my yahoo account has been hacked even secret answers has also been changed pls help Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1271.97
My hotmail has been blocked for 2 years. please help?
Solved/ClosedMy hotmail has been blocked for 2 years because people from my friends list have been receiving spam emails. I want to unblock it, but I can't because...
Hotmail account is blocked
Solved/ClosedHello, My account is blocked, please assist to unblock Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0
Forget my security answer
ClosedHello, please help me i forget my security question Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Yahoo secret question
Hello, i can't access my yahoo mail account,, i typed the correct password ,, yahoo ask me my secret question,, i forgotten already.. i need help,...
Can't open hotmail in firefox
Solved/ClosedHI, I can't open Hotmail in firefox 3.01. I have been trying all the web advice for a couple of months. I have entered hotmail and all the possibili...
Hotmail inbox search is not working
Hello, All of a sudden since yesterday, the search feature in the inbox for searching emails doesn't seems to be working and I keep on getting th...
Fake account in facebook
Hello, Some body using my name and opened a fake account in facebook. Also uploaded some photographs of mine. He just changed the spelling of my ...
hello how are u.
Email downloads are encrypted
SolvedHello, I'm having trouble reading an email that has a download attachment when I download it its encrypted I can open all the other emails and them...
How to unblocked hotmail account?
Today my hotmail is unblocked I have used the alternative email but when i click send code to my alternative mail, it doe not work and i tried to d...
How to recover a deteled email from months?
SolvedHello, i accidently deteled a very important email from my gmail account in october. is there anyway to get it them back ? HELP!! 100x Thanks!! Co...
Forget password
Hello, i was forget my gmai password and security question so please help me
Name not displayed
Hello, I use nokia x2.. In nokia x2 message sender name will be displayed directly as we receive sms and before we unlock the phone but now I am n...
Cannot read any message in my hotmail account
Solved/ClosedHello, For the last two or three weeks I have not been able to check and read any e-mails in my Hotmail and Yahoo account.. I can see that there ar... been blocked
Hello, i am using for over year, lately when I send email to get rejected email that it been blocked! i am the only o...
Yahoo text message to recover lost password
SolvedHello, One of our computer group could not get into her account, or recover her password and her security question was not accepted. She was sent a ...
Reopen my account
Hello, I am Ravi , 2 days ago I am click a new friend them suddenly my accout has blocked. I am need back my same accout. Please advice what you w...
Msn hotmail account blocked how to unblock
Solved/ClosedHello, I was out of town on business. When I returned I attempted to logon to my hotmail email account, and was greeted with the following messa...
Recover gmail trash email
Hello, how to recover gmail trash email please help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 21.0.1180.89
How to make a backgroung on microsoft office word 2003?
Hello, I need to know how to put a background on Word 2003. Thanks to everyone who help me!!
Some one hacked my gmail account [solved]
Hello, i have lost my gmail pass & security..please urgent help..i am not use facebook & any impotent information...please help Configurat...
See you next time ok
Hello, I am Shaheer Ahmad Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 5.1.7
Sir forgot password and security question
Hello, how to recovery my ymail account with out my password..because i forgot my password and 2nd secureity question answers. Configuration...
Free book bonus distribution
Hello, I need help for distributing a free books on my comupter that I can email to people as a gift.How do I go about it? How can I place alink in ...
Amsn instant messenger
Hello, I currently have aMSN instant messenger installed aMSN is like MSN instant messenger except it supports video. I have one problem wi...
Hotmail inbox not opening
Solved/ClosedHello, i have a problem reading my emails, my inbox opens but when I click to open any email it says error on page!! N I cant read my emails pls help...