The discussions
How to delete system files in n 70 phone c memory
Hello, hi, i am using nokia N 70. I want to delete system files in C. When i am delete some files after that some .dat files were not deleted i...
6500slide memory card block
Hello, my phone 6500slide my memory card password forgot, please send one solution. Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Samsung carbi
Hello, i am not able to say internet download in samaung carbi Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Video problem in gfive 9000i
Hello, I bought a new GFIVE 9000i mobile. Audio files are able to play without any problem but when I am trying to play a video file, its not play...
Unlock nokia5130
SolvedHello, I am using nokia5130 mobile and i could not use my memory card in my mobile and both system also when i am trying to use it,it is asking f...
Vodafone gprs live setting
SolvedHello, i hv micromax q3 hand set, how to setting gprs live Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Unlock 3gs iphone
Solved/ClosedHello, i need to unlock my iphone, but i don't have software. help me on this please. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Why cant i connect my nokia 5800 mobile wlan
Hell why cant i connect my nokia 5800 mobile to wlan
Gfive e 71 mini
Hello, I own a G Five Mini E 71. I need to download gprs settings and i live in South Africa, Pietermaritzburg. My cephone number is +27722412705.
Forgot security code, nokia 5610
SolvedHello, i can't switch on my nokia 5610 phone because I forgot security code, plz tell me a solution....
Deleting applications from fake iphone
Solved/ClosedHello, bandaid here. I recently acquired a fake iPhone from China with many applications (games, etc) in Chinese characters. Not Chinese myself I u...
Mtn browsing settings for nokia 5130c-2
SolvedHello,i just got a brand new nokia 5130 c-2 express music phone & have installed an opera mini code. but I have been unable to get the right browsing ...
Wap configura
Hello, I HAVE A PROBLEM SETTING WAP ON MY SGH U700 PHONE Configuration: Windows XP / Opera 9.80
Corby samsung gt-s3653w
Hello, i juz bought a my samsung corby with wifi last sunday but last night while im playing my phone suddenly became blurred and it does not disp...
Free internet setting for airtel on corby pop
Hello, sir, i want to set internet setting on my samsung corby pop for Airtel. Please, inform me the accurate process kindly. Thanks.
Sony ericsson t715
Hello, My Sony Ericsson T715 doesn't display tamil language characters in SMS & Internet. What is the solution? My service provider AIRCEL Conf...
Update mobile software 5630 but cant do
Hello, i want update my nokia 5630 software but i cant to make it. i use ovi and pc suite but both all not update my phone plz give me a way ...
How to download rar files in samsung corbypro
Hello, I bought corby pro 2 weeks before. and i was not able to download rar files in my phone if anyone has solution please share it. thank...
Configuration for facebook mobile
Hello, i dont no what the cofigiraton for facebook mobile can you please tell me what it is because i reallllllllllllyy want it Configuration...
Gprs settings for my n73 set
SolvedHello, please say me how to to do gprs setting for my n73 set. my no is 09027223363 thanking you ashish
SolvedHello, plese say me how to do my gprs setting on my cell 9029207709 Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Change laguage
Hello, my question is how can i change the ranguage in my phone from spanish to English, Phone types is Samsung GT-S5560. Configuration: Windo...
Which type of ip?
SolvedHello, i hav a working airtel mobile internet i need to..what type of ip is assigned for airtel gprs connection,Static ip/Dynamic i...
Bboy theme for my windowblinds
SolvedHello, I am looking out for a bboy theme for my windowblinds...I tried searching but no help.Any 1 plz help Regards, Rohit
Sony ericsson w395 themes
SolvedHello, sony w395 did not support (.thm) theme..any other theme format for this phones??? or any software to make this phone support theme??help ASAP...
Remove gprs setting from t nokia 5130 xpress
Hello, I live in Pakistan where T mobile service is not available. I have T mobile Nokia 5130 xpress music. GPRS setting and home page can not be ...
Configuration of nokia 2700c
Phone mem problem in e 71
Hello, sir my name is rajesh my china mobile is e 71 phone me...
My samsung star wifi dont work
SolvedHello, I would like to ask a help regarding my samsung star phone. I cant access the internet using wifi or even internet connection with my prov...
Micromax q3
hello, i have installed micromax q3 pc suit on my pc but it can not detect the moblie and i want to use it for browsing can u please help me?
Micromax q7
Hello, i hav a micromax q7 and i ned to know how could i install an video callin software in it ....ex:skype or gtalk etc.... Configuration: Wi...
Want to use my phone to browse on my pc
Hello I want to connect my phone to my computer and then use it to browse Please who can help me do that i really need to do this to stay online
Configuration of wi fi for my samsung mobile
Hello, i have a samsung mobile GT-S5233W which it has a wi fi,i try to connect to the router that i have in my pc DLink but it keeps saying "failu...
Micromax mobile win 7 pc suite
Hello, I have a micromax q5fb mobile. I wanted to connect it to my laptop which has Windows 7/Internet Explorer 8. The pc suite and drivers g...
Want to use my phone to browse on my pc
SolvedHello I want to connect my phone to my computer and then use it to browse Please who can help me do that i really need to do this to stay online
Hw can i make free calls
SolvedHello, hw can i make free calls to dubai. my boy frnd is in dubai hw can i talk to him in free of cost. plz help me.
Can't store charging
Hello, i m still in problem .i already change battry still same problem .can't store charging in nokia 5630 Configuration: Windows 7 / ...
Access my memory card in my 6230i please help
SolvedHello, how can i access my memory card in my 6230i which has be locked and keeps asking for a password and i dont want to lose all my data Co...
Hello, i have nokia 5220..and xhen i type *#7780# my phone wants a passvord.. but i dont know it...
Hello, hi how can i download pc studio Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
Samsung sgh-j700 pc suite
SolvedHello, I have a samsung sgh-j700, I downloaded pc suite to access my photo's etc, on opening pc suite it tells me I need to update, the program se...
Samsun impression get to menu w/out tchscreen
Hi, is there a way to get to the samsung impression's "menu" without using the touchscreen so that I can calibrate it? I can't use the touchscreen ri...
Pesung tv200 unlock
Hello, My pesung tv200 mobile phone is locked from a security i cant remember the security do i unlock my phone? please help me.
How to reset nokia factory settings
Hello, i changed my nokia 6760 phone code and now i have forgotten it. i tried to reset to my factory settings but it request i enter phone code. w...
My phone problem
Hello, **please tell me the mobile setting for vox vgs 507 to acess wap on it ??? my mobile showing error in communicatio when i brows to the ho...
Nokia 1006
Hello, do anyone no the default code for nokia 1006 Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0
Mini london screen not working
Hello, i have a mini london mobile phone and the screen has started to give touch problems. one side of the touch screen not working how can i solve...
Data cable is not connected to pc
Hello, i have a problem with nokia 3110c. whenever i want to connect my phone to pc through data cable then no usb symbol or hardware connected sy...
Pen drive data not storing
Hello, i have 32 GB pendrive of Make Kingston. But its not working properly when i copied media files or size of more than 1Gb it will be currupt a...