The discussions
Forgot password
i forgot my password
Forget old number
Hello, I'm not own of my old number When I want to sing in to my yahoo account It need my old number I need help Thank you System Configur...
Security code forgot
ClosedHello, sir I have forgotten my Nokia 215 RM-1110 security code please help
ClosedHello, dear sir please help me I forget my nokia 1202-2 security code please help me my phone IMEI no is 358261/03/204444/4 System Configuration: W...
Locked phone
ClosedHello, Please help me unlock my Microsoft Mobile phone System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Forgotten password
Hello, I've been using this email address for years,I really can't afford to loose it.I don't remember the phone number i used and the password and ...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Iam forgat a gmail pasword please help me System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Trying to get my gmail password
ClosedHi, I had change my password in my phone, and I forgot it. Now they asking me for my Gmail account, but I forgot my Gmail password also. Can you hel...
Please help me i forgot my passward
ClosedHello, Please hrlp me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Forget password & mobile number has been changed
Hello, My mobile number has been changed & I forget my password... Plz.any conformation my mail I'd ***@*** Regard sagar System Configuration: S...
How to unlock samsung e 1200 phone lock want to eight digit pin
ClosedHello Pls tel me now how to unlock samsung guru E-1200 SHOWING ENTRE THE PHONE LOCK
I know my gmail i'd but i forget password and recovery number
Hello, I know my gmail I'd but I forget password and also the recovery number belongs to another country so who can I solve my problem... .plz help...
Can't login
ClosedHello, Can't get on Facebook need help telling me they will get back to me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Forgot my security code.
ClosedHello, I forgot my securty code password can ypu help me plss. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Ipod 5th generation won't turn on or charge
Hello, I have a 5th generation iPod that won't turn on or charge. Another issue is my home button does not work so I cannot do a hard reset. My comput...
Recover my account
Hello, My account was secure other guy they secure account with their password ,recovery phone number and recovery email plzz give me my account
Book pages
I want to accelerate my book page how?.
Unknown person hacked my password and changes recovery phone no.
Hello, Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91 Can you please help me out... My gmail was hacked because of my CoC account
Apps not installing on my phone
The window live account am using is not working and was unable to install some apps on my phone
Nokia rm944 sequrity code to unlock my phone?
ClosedHello, Nokia rm 944 sequrity code forget.How to unlock my phone? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Transfer music from iphone to ipad
How can I transfer music from iPhone to ipad
Account lost
Hello, can't find my oid Gmail account System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
Security code 101
ClosedHello, security code nokia 101 how to brack System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 50.0.2661.102
Rocktel - w8
ClosedHello, My phone showing input code lock sos how to fix it.. System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Call divert samsung s3653
good day i can not divert call in my cellphone . would you please help me. samsung gt s3653
Connect phone to tv
ClosedHow do i connect my android Samsung Galaxy core prime straight talk phone to my RCA Entertainment series-pip the TV model number is : F32665 , serial ...
Samsung galaxy 7 cannot type any sides i cannot touch it
Hi I want to need your help because my Samsung galaxy on7 I cannot touch it.....pls can you help me because I cannot call humana any more
ClosedHello, please i have tried the steps you guys gave to me but nothing is showing up on my phone. its still locked. please i realy need help System C...
Rest my password
ClosedHello, Dear sir My mobile lava KKT14S privacy protection password I'm forget how to know the password to unlock my mobile security services kindly ...
My yahoo account
Hello, I am trying to retrieve my old phone number and Yahoo mail address System Configuration: Android / Chrotme 55.0.2883.91
Can't get into my yahoo email
Hello, Hello my name's David and I can't get into my yahoo email and I truely don't have the same number or my same recovery email and it's messed m...
Yahoo mail lost phone number
Hello, iam using my ID yahoo befor 10 years ago and i lost my phone number now i cant sing in my account what can i do please ?
Yahoo mail keeps saying am not connected
Hello, I have not been able to get on my yahoo mail keeps saying am not connected can you help please. System Configuration: System Configurati...
How to unlock my mobile phone?
ClosedPlease tell me anyone,how to unlock my phone since i forgot my phone security lock code.Not SIM,not network ,but 4 to 8 digit code that locks only the...
Nokia 215
ClosedHello, Plz hello Nokia 215 code System Configuration: Android / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
Nokia c2-01
Hello, I want to ask does Nokia c2 has Wi-Fi System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
How to retrieve deleted texts messages
Hello, Hi, Please help. I accidentally deleted my sms from my nokia x2-02 Rm-694 model. I really need them back because they were of importance. ...
Want to retrieve my yahoo mail won't download
My I pad had some problems Apple Store had to reset I pad to factory settings I can't seem to get my yahoo mail back please help
Google verify your account
ClosedHello, I am looking to reactivate 3 Galaxy S6 phones for our work. The issue is I cannot get passed the Google Verify your Account because I do not...
Invalid web setting
Web sites are not accepting my email address
Online no one is accepting my email address when I go to buy anything or to sign in for things I want
Recover gmail account
Hi, I forgot Gmail password and security questions . I want my account without loosing a data. Please , help me..!
Ipod touch black screen
I recently got an Ipod 5 touch from an Apple store and about 2 months after I got it it stopped charging and there was just a black screen. I tried ho...
How to create samsung account
Hello, System Configuration: System Configuration: Tizen / Safari 537.3 I don't know how to create Samsung account
ClosedHello,my Samsung galaxy prime+ has been reset and I could not remember my email and password and when I write my email and passwOrd it does not except...
Sgh-f480 forgotten phone lock password
ClosedHello, I was forgotten my sgh-f480 phone lock password,how can i get back to know my sgh f480 phone lock password from my another mobile phone? I ne...