The discussions
Hello, how will activate gprs gfive mobile d99
Nokia 5130
Hello, ths is jonah mae from phillipines and i restore my 5130 mobile phone using the normal reset then my phone formatted but my question is why t...
Software hanged
Hello, Hi i have NOKIA 5320 Xpressmusic......... my software got hanged it works properly but i can't view my menu...... so, i have to restart my ...
To activate gprs
Hello, My mobile no is +919857659865 please send me the GPRS and pocket internet settings for micromax 250..............thank you friends,,.,.,.,.......
Nokia model no 1208
SolvedHello, my phone have problum with security code. what I can do to unlock my phone. my phone MODEL NO 1208 TYPE RH-105 IMEI NO. 353519/02/19063...
How to install softwares in chinese mobile?
Hello, I tried to install games and other softwares in my chinese mobile mediatek mt6225 via pc suite. But I encounter an error message that says "Ta...
Gprs activate
Hello, i want to activate gprs on my mobile e71 pro how i activate the seeting please help me.
I can't access internet on my pc
This is Manas, i have problem to access net to pc by cell ! i hv new pc suit my cell is Sony Ericsson Z550i, when i connect the cell it see that...
Sd card undetected in lg 990i
Hello, all is in the title , help wanted thx
Mms setting for gfive u800
Hello, I am using G Five U800 Mobile with Zong network provider and warid network provider. I want to connect GPRS and also want to use mms services ...
How to connect my mobile to pc
Hello, My name is AMIR from Bangladesh.I've a samsung z-370 mobile.Are help me to give my quistion answer.How to connect z-370 mobile via blu...
Aircel gprs set.
Hello, I am sagar and use nokia 6300. Ple. Send me aircel gprs setting on my no. 8898713114.
Hello, sir my mobile showing earrors like fatal earror so please tell me how repare the problem
Hello, i am trying to download free english to english Dictionary in my mobile set 5130 xpress but i can't. can u kindly help me?
Restoring factory settings
Hello, I have a MPEG 4 digital mobile received from abroad. The mobile stays on without my south african sim card. Once I put in my south african s...
I can not open my phone
Video calls
Hello, I have P Mobile E71 Pro china mobile phone is it 3G compable. If it is 3G compatable, how make video calls I could not find video call optio...
Ecrt i9 disconects all calls
Hello, M CECT i9 disconnects all calls after just 4 seconds. Restoring factory settings does not help. I would welcome ant suggestions. Thank y...
Micromax q3
Hello, i am charan.i am using bsnl+idea in my micromax q3 mobile.i don't know how to connect my mobile to please send information to my...
Youtube on micromax q3
Hello, I wanted to know how I could view youtube videos on the miicromax q3. everytime i click on the youtube video on the WAP it says unsubscribed s...
Aircell settings in gfive e71
Hello, i wnt aircell internet settings in my gfive e71 phone
Free call
Hello, i want to free call in india by internet which software is best for me plz msg me soon
I want to format my phone memory.
Hello, I have nokia 5130. my phone is working very slow and my msg foldor is not opening . I try this no. *#7370# but it's not give any respond what I...
Apple iphones 3gs ----$319
Phone lost
Hello, i have lost my mobile phone.i want to take new sim with the same number.can i get the contacts back?pls suggest me some answer
Hello, A message with icon as u r a victim of software counterfeiting software appears on my desktop screen. plz sir help me whay should i do.plzzzzz...
Pc to mobile
Hello, how can i talk via internet to mobile
Not able to access gprs setting
Hello, sir i need gprs settings to my aircel no. requesting to please send me the setting or please advise how to activate on it.
Hed set is not working in my phone
Hello, i am using 7210 supernova phones in that my hedset is not working in my phone kindly give some tips. I want to know the misstake is my phon...
Free code for opra mini on lgk220
Hello,pls i need afree code for opera minbi 4.2 on a lg phone and a nokia phone
Hello, please how do i get the operamini software on my phone before doing the configuration?
Is there flash player for sony ericsson w910
Hello, my name is Vadim I want to read textes in my phone and dont know how
Micromax enternet setting max q3 mobile
Hello, Hello, i m facing problem in micromax q3 m using aircel sim nd i want to do internet in my mobile but there is a problem of hand set i had a...
Z77 gprs activation process
I can't install new themes
Hello, When i try to installnew themes from zedge. der is always error supplier
Hello, how to open my gprs
Seeking some information about ndkla n-97
Hello, Ih`ve NDKLA n97-1 mobile, I want some information about the phone. 1.I want to know about the configuration (hardware /operat...
Hello, how do i send pictures from my mobile phone to laptop?
I dont know restore code for my cell phone
Hello, sir i dont know restore code of ma cell phone can u plz help its model is ace z7
Hi, I use nokia6600 and i want to connect my phone to computer for free internet browsing. pls. teach me how i can do it
Problem in nokia 7210
Hello, i have nokia 7210 i need to delete a systems file in my mobile
I need antivirus app on my 5130c-2
Hello,whenever i want to play music on my 5130c-2 express,he always write not enough memory with my 1gb.
Nokia 1209
Hello, how to hard format my nokia 1209??
Mp3 vibrating problem
Hello, while using the mp3 songs the mobile is vibrating
Usb connection problem
Hello, Dear Sir/Mam, I've just purchased Spice M5252 n, I m unable to connect it with my PC. How is it possible.Plz. Answer me as soon as possible. ...
Hw to connect pc
Hello, hi how can i connect internet n gprs through my mob model is nokia 2700classic
Help me activate my internet connection
Hello, Anyone there who can help me configurate my internet connection for my china iphone please. MOBILE MODEL: CHINA IPHONE H003TV NETWORK: S...
Delete the game from karbon k 10
Hello, can any one tell me how to delete java games installed in karbon k 10 mobile