The discussions
Need app
Hi I'm using iPhone 4s i need download music videos form youtube i tried apps from app store but i cant please tell me how can i download please help ...
Don't respons touch in samsung gt s 5830i plz solve it.
Hello, dear,sir my phone model samsun GT-s5830i do not work touch plz solve it. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 42.0.2311.135
Sd card deletes data stored on it automatically.
Hello, please my sd card deletes data stored on it automatically...and i have used the steps earlier outlined to recover my files but it didnt work fo...
Nokia 1616-2
ClosedHello, im harvy, i ask you how can i know the security code of my phone nokia 1616-2 Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 40.0.2214.111
Touch screen sensitivity on s4
Hello, Where can I adjust to decrease touch sensitivity? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Nokia 3110c not starting
Hello, my nokia 3110c is not turning on and when charger is connected it shows contact service after a while with regular intervals. what to do? ...
Please tell me download free whatsapp
How to download free whatsapp
Confirmation code
Hello, I need my confirmation code
Hello, My Yahoo id password wrong error sovle Configuration: android / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
I need help on my nokia asha 200
my nokia asha 200 cannot download whatsapp, ridiculus. Pls help
Security code nokia model : 1208
ClosedHi can you help me unlock my security code? I forgot my password my phone number is deleted by moderator I've entered my last 4 digit number but it do...
Unlocking nokia 2700 classic
Solved/Closedi would like to ask on how to unlock nokia 2700 classic because i would like to change my sim card with other network serial no.351547049919462
Resets about mobile
Hello, I have a question about mobile that indroid did updates so my mobile setting is change now which is I don't like it I want everything to be bac...
Running android application on desktop
Is it possible to run a android apps on desktop ? -- Game Torque Studio
Closedrestriction code please for a nokia x2-02 type:RM-694 code:059Q7W9 IMEI 1:354111/05/974518/9 IMEI 2:354111/05/974519/7 please I can't use t...
Computer using phone
Hello, how to use computer net using phone Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 42.0.2311.90
Connect to pc internet?
Hi. I have android 4.0.4 of model number sch-s738c. I want to connect to PC to use internet. I have USB cable connected and computer said it installed...
Iphone 4 & logitech k/750
Can I use a Logitech k/750 w/ an iPhone 4, & if so, how do I go it? -- Sent from CCM Live forum for iPhone/iPad
Card is write protected
Hello, Cant delete files from my SD card. 16GB Sandisk. I tried to format. Card is write protected.
Transferring mms
Hello, how do I transfer mms pictures that I have already downloaded on to my galaxy 3 on to my computer or at least in to my photo gallery on my phon...
Sony xperia is lost in my house
Hello, please find my sony xperia Configuration: / Chrome 42.0.2311.87
Whattsapp not working
Hello, using Lumia 520 but whattsapp not working when trying to chk msg not msg getting, and no check any one last seen, some tym its getting star...
To connect phone intetnet to pc
Hello, my name is sravan I have cell on a20 campus phone so I want to connect internet to PC through my phone Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.8...
I need step by step directions!!!! asap
Can someone please tell me how I would block a contact from calling or texting me on my Samsung galaxy S phone I believe it's one of the oldest versio...
Hello, 1209 securutycode unlock Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 42.0.2311.135
Lost sd card password
Hello, i was using nokia c1-01. my sd card got locked..... it is asking for password and it does'nt even showing in my PC SO pls help me out ...
Ways to dowload
Hello,hw cn i download whatsapp in my nokia X2 Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Reset my phone lock code or master reset code
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm using TV mobile E75 Pro, I've changed my phone lock code and I've forgotten the new lock code. Can someone please help me how to a hard...
Password missing
ClosedBello, I have problem in my phone because my phone was lock but its showing private protection password.but I don't know what password its.. Please...
Download aopsen
Hi please tell me how to download video this software
Connect my phone to my pc
SolvedHello, i have samsung mobile c3010s . i need to connect my phone to my pc . please let me know the software compatible to it and the link.
Memory card is not showing in pc
Hello, my memory card is not showing in my laptop.. i tried many time, its new card.. i didnot use alot.. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 42...
Ipod5 won't turn on
Hello, My name is Arwen my iPod 5 won't turn on i tried everything please help!!!!!!!-Arwen Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
ClosedHello, please say mt reset code samsung model no is-GT-E1200T Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 42.0.2311.90
Forgot my password nlost my recovry mail id nd phone no
Hello, i forgot my password nd i dnt no what recovery mail id nd phone no in my account so plss help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 42.0.231...
Forget my security code of nokia e5
ClosedHello, please solve my problem Configuration: iPhone / Safari Indeterminable
My ipod turnn on off
Hello, My ipod turns on with the Apple logo but won't actually turn all the way on it blink on then right back off Configuration: iPhone / Safa...
ClosedHello, hi,i, sibongile. my problem is i made a pattern on my tablet but forgot it. the only way to unlock it is through my gmail account. i got a ...
Nokia e63
Solved/ClosedHello, nokia E63 has loked . i can't open the phone so can get a solution pls? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 37.0
Forgot my yahoo password and security code
Hello, Please help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 42.0.2311.111
Missing messages icon
Hello, I don't know where the messages icon went on my iphone4s . Even imessages and messages is not in settings. I reset the home screen in se...
ClosedHello, i have set password in my NOKIA C3..and now i have forgotted my password and want 2 unlock it.Please help me out!! Configuration: Window...
Connect to the wifi on my rca tablet.
ClosedI am unable to connect to the wifi on my RCA tablet. It was working fine all day yesterday now I can't connect, it keeps coming up Authentication prob...
Forgot password
Hello, i forgot my phone lock code need some help to reset my cell i dont have the option to enter the code so any other mean to do it please tell m...
Pls hw can i subscribe witn my nokia x2 for free browsing
Hello,pls hw can i subscribe with my nokia x2 for free browsing Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Forget password pls reset password my phone
Hello Team, pls. i have my password forgot, so i can reset my password... Thanks,
My id is hacked
Hello, My id is hacked Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 41.0.2272.96
I fogot my password nd i wnt to rest store my phone calls ls hlp me
ClosedHello, am Ibrahim pls I fogot my password and need to rest store my phone pls help me Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80