The discussions
Problem with download
Hello, i have a problem and i would like to help....! i have a laptop sony vaio with win7...... then i start download a file or programm or game, ...
How to upload and download
Hello, every body please help me i want to upload and download files using file control in a sql data base with and also i want manage th...
How can i check all information about my site
Hello, I wanted to know that how can i check all information about my site like backlinks,page rank,etc
How to connect lan
Hello, I want to Connect LAN for Multi-user of Tally Please Help Me
SolvedHello, Hi Tina here! I am actually intersted in programming and would like to have some tutorials about it, please help.
Pls do help me
Hello, Pls send me the library management system source code to my mail id.... Am in urgent need of it my friends.. pls do help me.. pls........
How to use the program total video2dvd
Hello, I downloaded the program total video2dvd,after visiting your site.I followed the directions and have my file ready to burn.But it is checked ...
Delete .cpanel from my domain
Hello, i deleted my .cpanel form my host server while working by filezilla,how can repair it thx
Validate username and password
Hello, i am creating a login page in using vb.i want to validate username and password from the database sql server 2005 .what is the code fo...
Vb connection with ms access
Hello,I have a problem with connection of vb using ms access 2003 and 2007.Can you help me to give the help of its code of connection Thanks
Lw-ic600 cam no software
Hello, i want to draw a rectangle wich gets 3 point and draw circle with rectangle is in it. thanks.
Create multiple worksheets in same workbook
Hello, I have been looking for a macro in Excel which performs the following task My workbook presently consists of two worksheet namely Sheet1 a...
Register windows
Hello, I just upgraded my windows service pack 2 into service pack 3 . I am getting a message saying that i must register to microsoft it ...
Datamining project
Hello, Im doing ME final yr, Do anybody guide for my Project @ Datamining. whre to do, im n dindigul RVS College....
Computer graphics
Hello, please give a program for draw a sphere in computer graphics using c language
C progam
Hello, how to make a fibonacci series
How to download
Hello, how to download Thinking of Java book
Hello, how can i trnasfer data with 2 usb port in programming please explain step by step if you have some component please send me in need them.
Need project on news website
Hello, I desperately need a project in with the coding in VB, based on a news website... The main features should be, Display Real time new...
Batch file to rename files in a folder
Hello, I had a folder with 550 image files in it. i need to change the name of the image files with respect to the data present in ...
Ms access
Hello, Somebody may kindly help me by suggesting how can I convert numeric values in a form or report in microsoft in figures ? I shall be grateful. ...
Graphics in c progrmming
Hello,i m a student. i want c program using graphics for car & house.
Visual basics 6.0
Hello, I am beginner to VB. I want to create a number game, the form will consist of 2 Labels & 2 command buttons, 1 variable declared as a dim in gen...
How to open a blobked site
= left(d2, 3) = "=" “using vba the color
SolvedHello, I am trying to use more then 3 conditional formatting and have found myself working with vba. What I am trying to do is: look-up the left...
Please i want a link to free tutorials
Hello, Please i need links to downloading free programming tutorials for beginners because i am also a beginner and i will like to know more or anyon...
Connecting to mysql
Hello, how to retreive database to the table(not gridview) by connecting to mysql.
Task manager display
Hello, how do u coonect a operating system with java programming in making a task manager?
Question about file rar
Hello, i ask some question how to open file rar high compressed? for example, original file is 4gb, but ist compressed to 7mb, so how to opened ? ...
Unable to log inton hotmail account
Hello, Please can someone help me? I have been trying to onto my hotmil account for a number of weeks now and have been unable to do so. When I...
Make new user without logging in
Hello, i have gotten locked out of my laptop and want to make a new user so i can log in. can i use a batch file on a memory stick to do this and if y...
What is application error and object error
Hello, i occured a runtime error,,that is application error and object error for ex: sheets("sheet1").select cells.copy sheets("sheet2").sele...
Comparing and pasting
Hello, I have 4 columns. Col1....|....Col2.....|....Col3..|....Col4.....| ----------|--------------|----------|---------------| A............S...
Html codes
hi, could you please tell me what the TEXTAREA tag means in html?
Paste macro to varible row address
SolvedHello, I currently have a worksheet with a data base in it. I can call up the data using the vlookup function. i need a macro that will allow me t...
Program for draw a sphere using cg in c
Hello, program for draw a sphere using computer graphics in c
What is activation code of hi5 profile?
A message just been deposited in the concierge. It covers the following message, posted by andrew the 2009/3/17 at 04:54 :
Access 2000/office 2003
Hello, I have Microsoft Office 2003 installed on my computer. However, it does not include Access 2003. I do not have the discs, I think it came pre...
Hello, what will be the code of four numbers taken from user and to determine which is even and odd?
C and d drives are not opening
Hello, sir when i double click the drives its showing an option open with
How can i map one db into another similar db
Hello, I need help to map my eBay db into another system (Vendio) to get into other markets. the db's are very similar of course but the fields ...
Quick question
Hello, what would be the best language to use for creating a small game?
Hello, some one hack my hi5 profile,an want it to be deleted,they hack my email address an pass word.. how can tou help me
Access file to read using vb08
Hello, how can i oopen a access file using vb 08 . pls send code . it is very difficulty to open this and how can i read a shapefile using vb08...
Hello, why was it unable for users to communicate with web 1.0?
Hello, how is c++ language different from c language?