The discussions
Problem with downloading things
Hello, I am having aproblem with downlaoding you tube,free games,adobe,trouble shooting
G five808u
Hello, g five 808U not connect to pc
Etl tools transfer delimited files in mysql?
Hi everybody. I have several delimited files and want to transfer their content to a MySQL database. Before asking on this forum, I've been browsin...
Faulty applications
Hello, my phone refuses to grant asses to all applications.
BESMIR-Arsenal 0-3 Chelsea
Excel macro won't loop
Hello, I'm new to this forum and to VBA. I need help. Basically I've been search the internet for code to do what I need and nothing seems to work ...
<help me to write macro in excel>
Hello, I have a exel sheet containing data.i wont to check each cell and if that is equal to string "ABC" the next cell value have to copy and paste ...
Connect computer to tv
Hello, to all of Dear, any body can give suggestion about how to connect computer(desktop-AMD Athlon) to tv i have panasonic tv (model 21RX20C) n...
List of colors in html
Hello, I need all the code in html for primary, secondary and tertiary colors, can you help me please ?
Convert bit
Hello, I want to ask you that , in c programe, can I inp[ut 16 bit or not ? if can , can I convert it into other bit ? thanks.
Merge the row and colums using macro
Hello, hi i plz adivse for merging two or three rows and at the same time the process will work in selected colums like A+B=A at same time we ...
Excel macro password
Hello, I know there is a way to protect a sheet by running a macro in excel. But is it possible to Protect the sheet with a password written i a sp...
hi, i need a site that provides updates regarding companies offering training to electronics engg students,projects , books ,article etc of the elect...
Error 2042, searching multiple worksheets
Morning Guys, Hope you can help me out a bit here, I have workbook with 2 worksheets in it, using vlookup the first spreadsheet pulls informatio...
Make a circle
Hello, how can i make circle in turbo c?
Getting information about documentation
Hello, i am final year stufdent of mca i want to devlop a documentation on mobile application in anyone guide me please....
Connecting vb .net to microsoft access
SolvedHello, I am a beginner in vb .net, I need the code to summit, retrieve and delete data in microsoft access using vb .net . Thanks
Web application developement
Hello, I am going to build a Web Based Hospital Management System. I have decided to use Asp.Net and C# but i don't know much of programming so i wa...
Hello, my ie 8 takes long time to start it says connecting upto 15 also takes same time when i open new tab. plz help me.....................
I have downloaded but its not instaling
Hello, respected sir, i have reinstal windows xp, but now adobe reader not working properly because its instalation gets more 12 hours, therefore i...
Crawling a websit using snoopy class...
Hello, i want to increase the crawling time that snoopy.class.php default it is 60sec...and i want to make it i can achieve that...
How can i publish it.
Hello, I am sabri i have made a website by visualbasic but how will i publish it
Please help.
Well, I just bought a new charger today since my other one broke about 3 months ago, and I charged the battery and so I took it out as to not overchar...
Data transfer and mysql
Hello, I am needing to transfer some data onto Mysql. My database is on Access right now. How would you transfer the data onto Mysql? I have not go...
Game- ready model sgops
Hello, I'm making a list of game-ready model shops, if you know another ones please tell me ^^ here's what I've found so far: (alphabetically sorted...
Hello, I need a .net project plz help me friends.....Do you have any projects related to aerodram and all....??? Plz help me.....
Acer aspire 5515
Hello, i cant click with my keyboard mouse pad. i can only click with the click button. you get what i mean? the button for clicking(mouse pad) usuall...
Hello, I am the Student of Bsc.IT 6th sem. n i have to develop project on ASP.NET. so,will you please give me your sugg...
Game- ready model sgops
Hello, I'm making a list of game-ready model shops, if you know another ones please tell me ^^ here's what I've found so far: (alphabetically sorted...
Moving text around circle
Hello, sir, i wish to know the code about how move a text around a circle plz inform me
Program in c which finds powerful numbers
SolvedHello,i need to write a program in c which can find all the powerful numbes up to 1000...plz help must be ready by thursday...thank you...
I need an answer
Hello, msg shows when i open any song (32win) or sumthin,,how can i stop getting this error???
Need a project
Hello, I need a whole project on mobile computing using .net or jsp.plz send me
Need a project
Hello, i need a project on queue management system using this should be as a website for a bank where token system is held.........
Hello, can you please send me a project on queue management system using it should be as a website where token system is followed when cu...
Aquestion about file creation in solaris/unix
Hello,Im new to programming in Unix Let's say that I want to create a directory named 'stud1' and create 100 files named 'file00stud1,file01stud1.....
I/o text file, utf8, c and linux
Hello, How can I read and write text files (encoding: UTF8, Programming Lang: C, O.S.: Linux)? Is there any prepares source code? How about ‘\n’ or ...
Hello, Hello, i cant able to open orkut frm my workplace as ts url has been blocked ,plz help me how to open it...........
Montor problem
Hello, can u help me? My computer monitor is not working. When it opens a TIG TAG sound is comming.CPU is working HIMA
Problem in installing via / s3g unichrome pro
Hello, I am trying to install the driver of my video card "VIA / S3G Unichrome Pro IGP. MY computer is giving the following error message : Setup wa...
Want to learn a programming language
Hie. I want to learn a programming language the is universal (is there is one like that) and easy to learn... I've heard of C, C++ , C# and more recen...
China mobile pc suite
Hello, i want china mobile pc suite set no. is k802
Software de audio
Hola, se me a borrado el programa de audio del mi PC HP Pavilion DV600, i me gustaria que me ajydarais un pajarme El Programa gratuïtament.
C compilers for vista
Hello, IMy lap is with vista home basic 32 bit OS. I want to practice c programming. which compiler should I use? How to install it? Shall I add ...
Ibm motherboard in xp installation for cmos s
Hello, I am trying to serch in cmos setup for installing xp ,but i not understand this cmos setup and can not enter for first boot cdrom detect,so pl...
Hello,I want a website in which ahve many solving problem. eg. by --program of adition ,programm of for loop ,programm of structure etc.
Virus problems
Hello, i have problem with my pc it is infected with viruses around 50 of them. i wanna clean up my pc. i cant open a file or run a file or folder...
How can i find ip in gmail
SolvedHello, you please tell me how can i find the ip address of the sender in gmail.
Hello, program to illistrate rotate about origin???