The discussions
I have not downloadmanger
Hello, i haven`t downloamanger and i can`t download it i need serial number pleas any one have seial number give it to me
Outlook 2003 faults out with 1706 error
Hello, I have a laptop running a local Vista OS and Office 2003. Outlook has been my primary email for some time. Recently the Windows Installer ...
Can i learn computer programing course online
Hello, I would like to learn computer programming online, please give me direction where to find free course on computer programming.
Hello, Facebook is now so disgusting! There are ALWAYS problems related to everything! Plenty of apologies, "unable to this at this time, and 'we'r...
Survey in facebook
Hello, I have an account in eSurveysPro and I have create several polls and surveys.I want to embed these in Facebook. Can you please help me?? ...
I need a ebook
Hello,friends i need a ebook . the book name is data mining & warehousing by author rob mattison plz tel me which web site i used to download this ...
Computer graphics
Hello, i want to know polygon drawing code in c language
Administer password
Hello, i need to reset my dell inspiron 1525 laptop to factory settings but i dont know the administer password as i bought the laptop second hand ca...
Open source data integration tool error
Hello everyone, I'm trying to run Talend its a data integration / ETL tool on my Mac. When I try and open it, I get the following error: The ap...
Problem in installing sound driver
Hello, This is amit from delhi. I successfully installed all the drivers in my laptop (hp compaq presario c700 ) but i am facing problem to install s...
Hello, main janna chahata houn kaise sensor ko istamal karte hain prohrammin main. Sastriyakal.
How do i make the headings bold in html?
Hello, how do i make the headings bold in html?Configuration: Windows XP Firefox 3.0.14
Command not found
Hello, I am facing the same problem since some days, my laptop continues saying phpsize failed, please solve my problem. its urgent.
Programming assignment
Hello, i have assignment in c programming that would read the cars registration numbers as three letters and numbers. These are the cars that hav...
can we make graphics using c++?
Visual basic
My facebook account doesn't open anymore. There's a maintenance pop up message which comes but it's been since days.
Hello, actually i m in a need to ask you a question that i am stucked in a problem i wana make data connection in c# any one here to help
Hi all friends around, I have got an assignment and need to create a calculating application. What programming language will you recommend me for crea...
Question on c++
Hi, I would like to know what is actually a global declaration in c++. I simply know that it has something to do with arrays but we haven't yet co...
Whats wrong with my computer
Hello,people im in desperate help my computer dosent want to down load stuff from the internet. But i dont think its the computer i think its my inte...
Cant drive my mp3 properly
Whats wrong with my alba wma player mp31gd10
Hello, i have an alba mp3 wma player! which is not working! i cant understand y is this not working! i thought its because of rong format of song...
Java & c++
Hello, I would like to know there is any relationship between the C++ language and JAVA. This will be of great help.
I need to convert my video to a youtube video
Hello, i made a video using windows movie maker but i tried posting it on youtube but it says eror on converting the video i need help
Xl macro
Hello, Am new to macro i want someone to help me. I am haveing some data in the xl sheet1, the cell contains the combobox with values like C...
Microsoft vb download link
Hello, Has anybody know what is the link to download Microsoft VisualBasic 6.0? plsss help me!..:) I appreciate any answers..tnx
Html codes
Hi all!! I just wanted to get the codes for adding images to a web page. I mean in html codes. This would help me greatly to add pics to the sample...
K.m 163 error codes
Hello, plz send me konica minolta163 error codes
Hi everyone, I have been looking since long for an online tutorial about can anyone please advise where i can get ebooks about it. it wou...
Please reply me
Hello friends Is it possible to send sms through the php code
Flow charts
Hi there! would you please explain to me why programmers need to know how to use flow charts in grammatical representations. If they use codes to w...
Protection of a file
Hello, plz help me, how to protect files from deletion using C or C++...........
Selection in excel
Hello, i m having a excel data in which one colomn is having unique values. i want to select a particular row in that sheet with help of macros userf...
Software development
Hello, i have asked from u about a topic for which i have to develop a software plz plz help and guide me
Copy folder cd to system
Hello, This is my problem given below.please give me your suggestion A CD is inserted into the cd rom drive then automatically copies the conte...
Hello, i want to write an algorithm to represent the pascal triangle and also to display the LCM and HCF of given numbers
To knowe
Hello, i am Hritikesh kr sinha and i knowe . now i want to work at home and earn money became a web designer how to possibale? and where i fo...
2.40 gigahertz intel celeron 8 kilobyte prima
Hello admin or anone who can help me, I cant hear and use my sounds in m laptop after reformatting it.. can ou please help me? here'S my laptop i...
Hello, insert disk into system display image. click image then automatically run the setup file. this my problem.please give me yr suggestion.
Can't read my memory card for my n95
Hello, i have a chinese n95 but the problem is, it does not read my sd card what am i gonna do?
3d illumination
Hello, Has anyone implemented Phong shading model in pure visual basic ? If you like 3D Graphics programming, I have some interesting code which...
Can data be copied into a comment box?
SolvedHello, Is it possible for data to be copied into a comment box?
Help me fast
Hello,sir how can i call on mob. by net. muje isski total detail chiye ki kon-2se software chahiye ka prosses hai
How to set header in masterpage
Hello, Pl. tell me How to set header or footer in Master Page th. HTML and use it in other Html pages. Thanks in advance. Parkash Kaur
Draw triangle of green and bg of yellow
Hello, how t write program in c/c++ using openGL TO DRAW TRIANGLE OF GREEN COLOR ON A BACKGROUND OF YELLOW COLOR....... PLZ RPLY
Delete search box on welcome page
Hello, Do u know some website that well allow me to access Socializing websites like facebook etc? Our school admistrator banned this websites. t...
Vba to make entry line
If I could get some guidance in the right direction that would be great! I've spent a good 4 hours trying to figure this out. My question is as fo...
Reading a text file and making a new file
Hello, I would like to read a text file with many rows and two columns. Create a txt or nfo file from each row weith column 1 being the file name, ...
Graphic card for dell inspiron 6400
Hello, i need to download free graphic Card driver for dell inspiron 6400 to windows XP