The discussions
Hello, i deleted the software for my webcam can i get it back i don't know why my web cam doesn't show on msn
Browsing - download limit exceeded
Hello, Will the images present in web page get downloaded when someone visits a web page .... ? Is it different for different browsers ? My proble...
Hp dv9000 external monitor/wireless con
Hello, Please bezel broke around the hinges of my hp dv9000 and I too could not afford to get it fixed. I had a 20inch hp widescreen and de...
My sister changed my myspace password
Hello, my sister found out my myspace password and changed it and she wont tell my what it is. how do i find out what she changed it to so i can acce...
About call divert
Hello, how can call divert on my cell phone when any person call on my phone its become busy but actually my cell is not busy
Adsense alternatives
Hello,. Check out this. A Great list of publisher networks for monetizing your website. I f you have got any other ..please say.... it will help all...
Screen flipped
Hello, Can you help me. I was wiping off key board and hit the wrong buttons and flip the screen on monitor. Help can't get it back.
Airtel setting
Hello, sir i wanna airtel setting for my alphatel h1 handset.I had call priviously many time to the service centre but they telling me that there is ...
Using a tv and a moniter at the same time
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to hook up a computer to a tv AND a monitor at the same time so I don't have to unhook the cables everytime ...
Net work setup
Hello, I setup network for 1 PC. I do not know how to connect the the network in office so, please guide to me how connect to network
I recieve don't send message
Hello, i m facing the problem of dont send when i browse google.
External monitor for laptop
Hello, I have an hp netbook mini 1000 and would like to hook up a westinghouse monitor to it, but the netbook does not have a vga port, so what do I...
Hi, My hotmail account has been hacked, how can I get access back again?
Page can not be displayed
Hello, I am able to enter some websites but when i try to continue my search on that same site a page pops up and reads this page can not be displayed...
Microsoft access problems
Hello, i just want to know the importance of data validation in maintaining a table. -- l'amitié est là pour rendre le sourire à ceux que l'amour...
For free space
Hello, i have domain name but i have no space so plz help me for ip address for primary and secondary server name which provide me free space ..
Just a qwes!!!
Hello, i just wana ask if the sie hptt\ is a trusted site??
Publisher website not viewed in ie
Hello, I would really like some help on this problem, I created a website in Microsoft Publisher which is fine and can view it fine with Firefox bu...
Hello, plz send me the gprs setting on my mobile my mob. no 09861340131
Blog stollen
Hello, I have a friend that own a blog. He had a partner which was writing post for his blog and he gave the login data. Now that person changed th...
Installing of webcam
Hello, sir's i have a webcam of my friend , and i dont have cd,harddrive ,floppy or band name ,please tell me how to install webcam with...
External monitor on mini laptop computer
Hello, I cannot figure out the adaptor or cable needed to hook a monitor and/or projector to my (HP) Compaq mini laptop (product number: NF291EA#ABF)...
Lost password from hotmail
Hello, I lost my email password and dont remember my secret answer.
I have forgot my password, help
Hi, i have forgotten my email password please what should i do to get it back now?
Facebook problem
Hello, Facebook is certainly blocked on the pc that i am using, how can i get on the site thorugh another means please.
Online purchse
hi, i thinking of purchasing something online but i am a bit thinking that it might be risky, how do i locate a website?
How to install my acm783webcam w/o cd
Hello, how can i install my acm783webcam w/o cd so that when i can chat see me in my webcam. Please help. ...
How to buils website in mulitple language
Hello, I can ty too build website in english and Hindi language tell me someone how to crage same writing convert to in multiple language Tha...
The volume of my acer is not out
Hello, my volume of my laptop acer is not working.
Hello, how can I recover the password of sandisk micro SD 2GB
Hello, what is the difference between php, perl and asp. what are the different framework available to make webpage apart from joomla?
Forgotten password
Hello, hey i lost my password on facebook plz help
For sound
Hello, m john , why did not coming sound enternet? if i open vlc media plyer thire is sound but if i open youtube or any sound in brosar but the...
I've forgot my friendster email
Hello, my name is jerryboy fr. phllipines can yout help me to remember my friendster email please.........................
I need to get back my e-mail address and my p
Hello, Im Jerome,i totally forget my e-mail address and my password but now i need it back the problem is i dont know what to do
No access
Hello, I am unable to have access to my hotmail account, it says that it is the wrong email address or password. I have tried lots of times but nothi...
Forgot password
Hello, I have forgot my hotmail password, what should i do to get it back?
Disabled facebook account
Hello, I wrote FB and asked why my Mafia Wars wasn`t working right....the next thing i know my account was disabled and there is no way to get in tou...
I have webcam creative
Hello Please help me for the types of Web Cam Creative type and method of installation of each one on a computer or Alaptob
Home page
Hi there, could you please help, it's about my home page. every time i open my browser it gets on two mozilla's web pages. how can i change that?
Building a powerpoint website
Hello, I dont know how to build powerpoint website like who want to be a millionaire, can someone put me through and probably i will be an expert ...
Web master student
Hey there, I am a Web Master student and i would like to know if you can recommend me any web site where i can get free tips on how to build my ow...
Facebook problem
Hi all! Could solve my problem please, I am unable to login my facebook account. It has been like this since three days.
Forgot my password
Hello, I have forgotten my hotmail password and I am unable to login my account. I have even forgot my security answers, could you please give me my ...
I have webcam creative and i wont to no which
Hello, i have webcam creative and i wont to no which kind iset
Google adsense is a scam
Hello, When I reached my threshhold my account got disabled.
Opera mini malfunction
I cant send a message
Hotmal acount
Hi friends! I have forgotten my hotmail password, could you please make me obtain it please.
Hello, how do i add photos and manage them using html codes to a web page. I have been looking for a tutorial about it but no one has it. It will be ...