How to open rem files without Blackberry: PC

If you are looking for reading data and pictures in the rem format from your Blackberry memory card, we may have interesting information and solution to help you decrypt all your data.
How to disable the encryption and compression?
The first solution is to disable encryption and compression before transferring your files so that your computer can directly read your data.
From your mobile phone home screen, go to:
- Option > Security Option > Encryption > Media Card: Disabled
- On some models, it is required that you disable additional options like Content Protection and Compression
- Browse your image file and replace the REM extension with the JPG extension.
How to use the Blackberry Desktop Manager?
The second option is to use the Blackberry Desktop Manager, which can
- Download the BlackBerry desktop and install it on your PC
- Connect your BlackBerry to your PC
- Launch the application, and in the main window, click on "Images"
- In the right panel, click on "Images on the device"
- Select all the pictures you want to import and click on "Import Pictures"
- Wait until all the photos are transferred
- The folder where your photos are stored appears in the "Image Import Folder"
- Double click on the picture thumbnail to open it