AV Voice Changer Diamond can modify voice over the Internet and PC2Phone. It can be used by both novices and professionals.
What are the key features of AV Voice Changer?
- Voice changer: this program enables to change voice pitch and voice timbre during a conversation through the Internet or a mobile phone. AV Voice Changer Diamond offers several voices such as male, female, baby, teen, robot, and more.
- Sound recorder: AV Voice Changer Diamond is also featured with a voice recorder tool where users can easily record and change their voices via a microphone. Apart from that, recording Internet radio, chat, phone, message, media players and others is feasible. A built-in player enables you to listen to the recording.
- Audio effects: a rich collection of audio filters are available for users. Among them, AV Voice Changer Diamond offers Chorus, Flanger, Band Reject as well Background effects, and others to enhance recording and voice changing.
- Supported formats: AV Voice Changer Diamond supports several file formats such as MP3, WMA, WAV, and OGG.
- VoIP programs compatibility: The advanced virtual driver technology makes it possible to connect AV Voice Changer Software Diamond to most VoIP programs, role-playing games, or web chat applications, such as Skype, Twitch, or Steam.

Is it free?
This is a free 14-day trial version. After it expires you can get the full license for $99.95.
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