How to avoid file copy from a shared folder?

fscarpa58 - Updated on Sep 19, 2017 at 05:09 PM
 Blocked Profile - Sep 19, 2017 at 05:09 PM
I am a teacher and I use a licensed software as part of my course. Lessons are held in the computer classroom. Software and license are located on the Windows server of the classroom in a shared folder . Students from their stations access this resource through the local network and can launch the program that will run locally on each PCs.
But students could copy the contents of the shared folder, save it to a personal PC (which is forbidden by the seller) and use it in PC with other IP (the seller notices the different IP and can blacklist the license).
With the folder sharing and security options I have not succeeded (but I'm not expert) to get that a program is executable but not copyable.
Is there any system? Thank you


1 response

Blocked Profile
Sep 19, 2017 at 05:09 PM
Turn off browsing of the folder. Set the shortcut to the executable itself. They will be able to access it, just will not be able to get to the X drive, and see what is there to copy! That is the easiest work around without the proper directory structure in place!