Automatically setting a due date using MS Access
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Tuesday July 17, 2018
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September 5, 2018
Updated on Jul 23, 2018 at 01:24 PM
Blocked Profile - Aug 6, 2018 at 04:23 PM
Blocked Profile - Aug 6, 2018 at 04:23 PM
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1 response
Are you using PERIOD as a variable?
The syntax for DateAdd is:
DateAdd(interval, Number, date)
So your formula to populate the entry should look like:
DateAdd("d", 1, now())
This would return the date for 1 day FROM now!
If it is not returning a date, the date is invalid. Try HARDCODING a date first, so that you can see the function work, then attempt at making the variables work once you understand how the functions work.
Post back! It makes me happy to see you are trying it in Access! We are here!
The syntax for DateAdd is:
DateAdd(interval, Number, date)
So your formula to populate the entry should look like:
DateAdd("d", 1, now())
This would return the date for 1 day FROM now!
If it is not returning a date, the date is invalid. Try HARDCODING a date first, so that you can see the function work, then attempt at making the variables work once you understand how the functions work.
Post back! It makes me happy to see you are trying it in Access! We are here!
Jul 24, 2018 at 04:37 AM
For some reason the tasks are no longer recording on the table that the form is linked to. I was looking for the form to open from a home-screen command button, which seems to work, then the data can be entered and on clicking the "Add Task" command button the record would be added to the table, the form would move to a new record, then close. To do this I embedded a macro (image below). Can you see any issues that may account for the issue in adding records. I can't really check whether any changes to the DateAdd() Function are effective till the records are showing in the table.
Updated on Jul 24, 2018 at 04:38 PM
This produces an output of Wednesday, 7/25/2018 and a time stamp. Get an ouput to display something, then we can toil with the variables.
You have to link the variable to the table. So you must use the syntax of:
The reason to do this is because you may have a BUILT IN QUERY that returns the number of RED Cars into a value called [cars]. In this case, [cars] could also be a field in a table, so you must reference the name of the query/table. So if the query was called [countingcars], the variable would be initialized as:
You may need to initialize a variable with the values stored in the DB. So instead of linking the formula to the DB value, use a crosswalk and do something like:
in a sub of FORM_OPEN():
Then use:
Aug 6, 2018 at 10:28 AM
Aug 6, 2018 at 04:23 PM