Error loading page

furious - Jun 8, 2009 at 05:03 PM
neversaid Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday April 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 10, 2009 - Jun 9, 2009 at 02:45 AM
Hello,my internet is connected i open one page but the other doesnt open if i open one thing in youtube it opens but when i open the next clip or another page it doesnt loads it just says error loading page i am sick of this i cant do anything i cant open my email any site it just opens one damn thing or a page thats it i keep on reconnecting but it doesnt helps at all someone please advice i have kaspersky internet security and my windows firewall is off i cant turn it on because of some group policy

1 response

neversaid Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday April 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 10, 2009
Jun 9, 2009 at 02:45 AM

the problem is from your connection.

it may be that the speed is too low.

contact your local service provider to upgrade your connection speed.