Instagram deactivated my non existing account

henriette.aase Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday July 10, 2019 Status Member Last seen July 11, 2019 - Jul 10, 2019 at 05:03 PM
henriette.aase Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday July 10, 2019 Status Member Last seen July 11, 2019 - Jul 11, 2019 at 02:33 AM

I made a brand new email account last week for a project, and tried to make an Instagram account for that. At the end of the registration process it said that the email address already had an Instagram account. Then, trying to log in, it said that the email doesn't have an Instagram account after all.

So, I contacted Instagram about this, and now they have blocked the non existing account??

To report the problem through the help senter, you have to have a username.. And since the account never existed (I didn't finish the registration process), it doesn't have one! And if it somehow does, I don't know how to figure out what it is.

And Instagram doesn't have a customer service to contact, so now I don't know what is the next step.

Does someone know what I can do?
I tried to contact them through another part of their help center, but got an email saying that I can't contact them in that way with a link back to the help center..

I basically just want to throw my phone/computer through a window right now..

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jul 10, 2019 at 05:10 PM
Ok this is a REAL EASY FIX!

Abandon the NONexisting account. Create a Gmail account on your existing Google services. Use the newly created gmail account for your project Instagram. THERE is NO WAY that email could have been used, you just created it!

henriette.aase Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday July 10, 2019 Status Member Last seen July 11, 2019
Jul 11, 2019 at 02:33 AM
If it only were that easy.. I have tried making a new gmail account 2 times.. And the same thing happens.. First a message saying that there is a problem making an instagram account right now, try again later.. and then the message that the email address already has an instagram account.