Email Alias Missing

Nelson - Updated on Feb 18, 2020 at 03:06 AM
 Nadia - Apr 7, 2024 at 02:19 AM
Email Alias option is missing on the Setup.
How come?

1 response

HelpiOS Posts 14550 Registration date Friday October 30, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen December 9, 2024 1,874
Feb 19, 2020 at 07:50 AM

To create an email alias on Yahoo Mail, click the Settings icon in your mailbox and click More Settings.

Next, select Mailboxes. Besides Email alias, click the down arrow > Add, then click Finish to save the email alias.

Trouble is, as so many people are missing here, THE OPTION IS GONE.

I have an old Yahoo account and I have an alias set up.  The alias is a variant on my Yahoo account name.

I have changed my name and wanted a new email address.  I signed up for a new Yahoo! email account with my new name.

I have both Yahoo! Mail pages open simultaneously in different browsers.  On the OLD ONE, there’s an option for Email Alias, and it shows I have one.  On the NEW ONE, the option is MISSING.  It is found (on the old one) IN BETWEEN the headings for "Mailbox list” and Send-Only email address.  The section reads, in whole:

   Email alias

   Send and receive emails from a different Yahoo email address.

Then after that it has an icon of an envelope, and my old Yahoo! email’s alias address.  This is NOT another Yahoo account that I opened and THEN linked to this one, it’s an ALIAS created WITHIN the old account that allows sending mail to the ALIAS and having it be delivered to the MAIN E-MAIL ADDRESS’S INBOX.

Spoke to someone at Yahoo! support and he didn’t seem to have a clue what I was talking about, so I have a feeling the feature has been deprecated, removed, axed, killed, removed.

I thought maybe it was behind the Plus! paywall, but in the list of benefits, it mentions many other added premium features, including the ability to have up to 3 disposable addresses with a FREE account, and up to 500 with the premium version, but again, makes NO MENTION of alias.  I’m not willing to waste my time signing up for a free plus membership if there’s no mention of the one plus feature I care about, just to learn that they don’t have it anymore… (unless they DO and the support guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, which is always a possibility,) so… well, if anyone from Yahoo! / Oath / Verizon / >?< reads this...

I’d sign up for Y!ahoo! Pl!u!s! for 5 bucks a month, maybe… but not if I don’t KNOW that an alias is still allowed.