How can i access facebook

baboo - Jun 18, 2009 at 07:03 AM
 jenkaaaz - Jun 23, 2010 at 04:53 AM
how can I access facebook .... when the netwrok manager blocked the site from the server ?

9 responses

After having a cigarette, I remember I should say that your network manager if he is any good will regularly look at the log files of all users and monitor there access for anything out of the ordinary. If he notices that your network usage is on port 80 and 443 as well as 20/21, accounts for approximately 70% of a typical users usage and yours is 5%, this will raise eyebrows which he will investigate further, same if all your port 80/443 requests go to the same URL.
google port numbers IANA for more information on port numbers and which ones are free and which are locked.
For this reason it is important to regularly change your port numbers for the proxy and your proxy account.
Also to help prevent you from getting caught, when not using blocked websites, turn off your private proxy and use the standard protocols as this will help hide your infringements.
As I mentioned before some employers view unauthorized web access as a waste of HR. Also in some circumstances it can be a security issue, think if a user got sensitive data out of the DB and copy pasted it into private emails or private blog etc, this will not be scanned by the company email filter to check outgoing communications and could lead to a breach of security.
Proceed at your own risk. While it is not illegal, it can still be against company policy and may result in instant dismissal
i had accidentally deactivated my account from facebook. how can I get my account back?
instead of typing
The s makes it secure, and therefore not blocked by administrators
hi joe it still doesnt let me on petville m8
wont let me do it ethier, it dosent work at school any new ones?
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
May 1, 2010 at 06:52 AM
Hello Bambola,

Please clean all of your temporary files, then if it still does not connect it is because Facebook is experiencing server problems. Solution: be patient.

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Hi, I'm assuming from your query that you are on a work computer or similar, as you mentioned network manager and work places generally like the idea of taking away distractions from there employees.
While the method I will explain is legal, at least in Australia any way, it is not totally ethical and you may in fact be breaking company usage policy by doing so and put your job in jeopardy.
Basically the easiest way around it is by using a proxy, or in some circumstances not using a proxy.
I do not use windows or mac for that matter so I do not know my way around Safari or IE.
however first step for Firefox 3.0.11 on Fedora core 10 goes like this
Advanced Icon
Network Tab
Under connection click on the settings button
In here it will tell you (and the browser for that matter) how you connect to the internet
by default it is on 'use system proxy settings'
if it is on anything else like use manual proxy, its real easy
if your system uses a proxy you will have to change that. For instructions on this you will need to google something like system proxy settings xp windows and follow there instructions for that.
If your system does not use a proxy and your browser does not use a proxy, you will have to set up an account at a free proxy service site, Google free proxy for a list of major free proxy providers. However if your network admin is anything more than a two day novice they will have blocked most if not all of these on the network as well. Network admins subscribe to lists of known proxy sites and other security threats to make there life easier. If this is the case you will have to set up your own proxy web server and that is getting complicated
However the basics of setting up a proxy are, find one, register, adjust setting within there site, then go back to your browser and input the details such as URL port number. And you should be in business.
The other way which I would recommend is talking to your boss/supervisor and see if you can get FB, hotmail, youtube privileges for 1hr per day between 12 and 1 (ie. lunch break) they will probably be accommodating, Then the Network manger just has to set up a Cron job at the specified times changing restrictions for your username, and back again. That's fairly easy stuff once he works out the command as it will probably be quite lengthy.
Sorry I couldn't be more accurate, while I would be able to get around it, I do not have a box running windows, only FC10 and OpenSolaris so I am very unfamiliar with Windows
Yes thank you, I got in on Facebook via you, however I can't update or send messages. What now?
Its all working ... try again ... goto the persons profile and write on their wall ;)

please I am traing to open my face book page but iam not getting any ware please can you help mi idont now much abaut computer