MSN key ports problem
last night I tried to download the newest version of MSN, when it had all been downloaded I went to go on it and then it comes up as trouble shoot.
Everything got ticked apart from key ports, I checked my firewall and its on.
Can anyone help me? I'll be really happy if you can fix my problem, as I NEED MSN.
last night I tried to download the newest version of MSN, when it had all been downloaded I went to go on it and then it comes up as trouble shoot.
Everything got ticked apart from key ports, I checked my firewall and its on.
Can anyone help me? I'll be really happy if you can fix my problem, as I NEED MSN.
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12 responses
So for the last 2 weeks I've been having the same problem as all of you...
I analyzed the answers on this forum and found a few interesting tips...but no real winners :(
Regardless...I have to thank the people who provided the tips that lead me to a new solution to our common problem! (Thank you)
The FIX:
(Note - This has only been tested in windows xp...but it will eliminate the need to completely re-install internet explorer!)
Step 1 - Press Ctrl+alt+delete to access the 'windows task manager'
Step 2 - Click the 'process tab' and end both "wlcomm.exe" and "msnmsgr.exe"
Step 3 - Open up Internet Explorer and go to: tools and click on 'Internet Options'
Step 4 - Click the 'Advanced' tab on the top right
Step 5 - At the bottom you should see something that says "Reset Internet Explorer Settings" the reset button and then read the pop up and confirm your IE reset by click the the second reset button at the bottom of your pop up screen
Step 6 - After the reset completes - open up internet explorer (make sure you close firefox if you are using it) and run thru the 'Internet Explorer Set up Screen' (you do not have to set Internet Explorer as your home page/default browser/change you default search provider)
Step 7 - now exit Internet Explorer and re-open it once more (leave firefox or any other browser closed) then open up Live/MSN messenger and log-in
I am an owner of a Small Business SEO/Internet Marketing/Web Design Solutions Business in Houston, Texas - Please thank my answer by visiting my website (for my local small business) and click through a couple of pages! - Travis Gutierrez
Step 8 -
I analyzed the answers on this forum and found a few interesting tips...but no real winners :(
Regardless...I have to thank the people who provided the tips that lead me to a new solution to our common problem! (Thank you)
The FIX:
(Note - This has only been tested in windows xp...but it will eliminate the need to completely re-install internet explorer!)
Step 1 - Press Ctrl+alt+delete to access the 'windows task manager'
Step 2 - Click the 'process tab' and end both "wlcomm.exe" and "msnmsgr.exe"
Step 3 - Open up Internet Explorer and go to: tools and click on 'Internet Options'
Step 4 - Click the 'Advanced' tab on the top right
Step 5 - At the bottom you should see something that says "Reset Internet Explorer Settings" the reset button and then read the pop up and confirm your IE reset by click the the second reset button at the bottom of your pop up screen
Step 6 - After the reset completes - open up internet explorer (make sure you close firefox if you are using it) and run thru the 'Internet Explorer Set up Screen' (you do not have to set Internet Explorer as your home page/default browser/change you default search provider)
Step 7 - now exit Internet Explorer and re-open it once more (leave firefox or any other browser closed) then open up Live/MSN messenger and log-in
I am an owner of a Small Business SEO/Internet Marketing/Web Design Solutions Business in Houston, Texas - Please thank my answer by visiting my website (for my local small business) and click through a couple of pages! - Travis Gutierrez
Step 8 -
Apr 21, 2010 at 02:23 PM
Apr 30, 2010 at 04:33 PM