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4 responses
Nov 10, 2022 at 09:18 AM
Because you haven't uploaded any videos to your channel, that's why the Videos tab isn't available. Here are the steps to upload a video on YouTube.
Nov 10, 2022 at 05:46 PM
Make sure you're logged in to the right account - sometimes people make a mistake by selecting the wrong one. Simply click your profile icon and select Switch account.
If this is not your case, go to your YouTube channel and click Customize channel. Next in the channel customization page, select Layout.
Now, you can add new sections to display on your channel, such as your recents or popular videos. Once done, click Publish. If you currently have sections, try removing them, save and add them again.
Let me know how it goes.
Nov 11, 2022 at 11:42 AM
Sorry to hear that. I suggest you check if:
- Your videos are private or unlisted.
- You don't have received a Content ID claim.
- Your videos don't have an age limitation.
- Your channel hasn't received a strike.
If nothing above applies to you, try uploading a new video. Check also if this issue only occurs with the YouTube website or app, then try visiting your channel without being logged in.
Good luck.
Nov 10, 2022 at 09:31 AM
I have already uploaded 300 videos. videos tab disappeared after YouTube's latest update