The best YouTube gaming reviewers (2023)

Youtube is a great medium for game reviews because you are able to experience actual gameplay and the reviewer's honest opinion, so you can see if you will like the game before you buy it. This article will look at 7 of the best YouTube gaming review channels.
Angry Centaur Gaming
If you are looking for long in-depth reviews with a detailed breakdown of the most important elements of the game, then Angry Centaur Gaming (or ACG) is a reliable reviewer. He rates games on a Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch? scale, rather than a score out of 100 or 10. He breaks each game into its visuals, overall gameplay, sound, music, and voice, and finally, arguably the most important: the game’s Fun Factor. ACG also produces content on game news, walkthroughs, and more.
Angry Joe Show
One of the most renowned game reviewers is Jose Vargas with the Angry Joe Show. His videos are always very detailed and cover a wide range of content, from game news and reviews to movies. This author can sometimes be a little harsh in terms, so you are now warned.
If you are looking for quality game reviews but are a little short on time, then Gameranx is a perfect fit. Gameranx is an excellent source of gaming news, reviews, and content. Not only do they produce 2-minute review videos, but they also make extended gameplay videos and before-you-buy guides.
Lazy Game Reviews
If you are a fan of retro-tech and vintage computers, then Lazy Game Reviews is your YouTuber. He produces content on retro games such as the original Doom and more modern games like Sims 4. LGR stands out from the crowd and focuses on old, vintage computers and games. His reviews are funny and creative.
Worth A Buy
Worth A Buy makes short videos in free format, analyzing the strengths of games and their weaknesses, analyzing the gameplay, sound, and graphics, and giving his opinion and advice.
Alanah Pearce
Alanah Pearce used to work for IGN as a games journalist; she now has her channel where she continues to make gameplay videos and unboxings and gives her impressions on games. Alanah also covers a wide spectrum of gaming news and interviews game developers. She also works for game developer Santa Monica Studio and her detailed knowledge of the gaming industry helps her stand out from the crowd.
Skill Up
Skill Up provides some of the most comprehensive and in-depth gaming reviews within the YouTube community. His analysis is really detailed, with videos focusing on visuals and the game as a whole. One of his most popular videos is his Cyberpunk 2077 First Impression.
Girlfriend Reviews
Girlfriend Reviews is really good fun. Shelby and Matt make hilarious videos on the most recent games. The reviews are nowhere near as serious as other YouTubers and are based on the gaming experience of someone who is not necessarily playing the game but just observing. For the most part, the reviews get to the heart of the gaming experience, with memes and pop-culture references adding extra entertainment value!