Windows XP not loading

Pari - Jul 7, 2008 at 12:33 AM
 krish - Jul 7, 2008 at 01:00 AM

In my computer i have installed windows xp. When i turn on my computer its taking 15 mins to load a windows .some times its automatically restarting the computer without loading the windows.

How can I get my computer to start windows again? Any help would be much appreciated.

1 response

sir, try the following steps,
1.Check all power socket conncetions.
2.Go to bios settings an set first booting device as hdd and second booting device as cd-rw or dvd.
3.Check and remove the cd or floppy from the system.
4.Go to repair console at xp then rename the software and system files at c:\windows\system32\config then copy the both files from c:\windows\system32\repair to the renamed area..Then restart the system. After compleate this process you must install all softwares and drivers.