- Taskbar Works, Desktop+Desktop Icons are Gone
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2 responses
Registration date
Tuesday November 18, 2008
Last seen
February 2, 2010
Aug 10, 2009 at 12:12 PM
Aug 10, 2009 at 12:12 PM
You open cmd prompt and your run explorer again by writing "explorer"
hey i have a similar problem
my desktop is gone no icons no background but i do have the start/task bar and i can run most programs even go to control pannel but some things wont work i cant go to my document or on my hard drive i cant click on "Computer" to acces harddrive or dvd drive if i terminate the explorer.exe wich runs on start up and open it again using taskmanager its the same thing no change anyone any idea how to fix this?
my desktop is gone no icons no background but i do have the start/task bar and i can run most programs even go to control pannel but some things wont work i cant go to my document or on my hard drive i cant click on "Computer" to acces harddrive or dvd drive if i terminate the explorer.exe wich runs on start up and open it again using taskmanager its the same thing no change anyone any idea how to fix this?
Aug 10, 2009 at 01:46 PM
I Can run anything I want using the start menu and all.
The problem is in my Desktop.
I can't Right click anything, I cant see any Icons and I can't see the wallpaper. that's the problem