Toshiba laptop to Samsung LCD

Ravenfan - Aug 28, 2009 at 04:58 AM
 goool - Aug 11, 2012 at 12:55 AM
Hello, I have been trying to connect my Toshiba Sattelte L40/45 Series laptop to my Samsung LCD. The tv is recognizing the VGA cord when I plug it in, but the screen goes completely black after a few moments of searching for signals. I'm aware that many people had problems with not being able to even switch to PC, due to poorly made VGA cords and plugs in tthe tv's.

I downloaded that new driver for my chipset, but it wouldn't even give me the option to look for a tv through a VGA. It gave me many other options, but not VGA. So, at this time I am unable to even set my laptop to a multiple monitor mode since I can't even get the option to do a multiple display. Do I need to download bios, and if so how do I go about that?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 28, 2009 at 05:06 AM
Hello Sir,

You can try connecting your laptop to your pc using the S video cable!

This can surely work

didn't work !