Keyboard is not functioning correctly

student1101 - Oct 14, 2009 at 07:11 PM
 student1101 - Oct 23, 2009 at 05:16 PM
my keyboard is not functioning vcorrectly. bas you bcan bvsee, it puts random blettersz' such bv asz' these (bv, z, ' , and the space bar bsometimes makes the menu for a right-clicking mouse show up (i.e. the menu where cut copy paste, undo are) and sometimes pushing certain kyeys like "b" mak\yres it erase bvthe entire post or docuhgment that i am writing. i have tried EVERYTHING but it vseemsz like this z'is the work of a virus... just i75inserting gibberish i75nto my text! HELP PLEASE i am a student and this makes writing papers EXTREMELY difficult,nf i would LOVmhgE to beb vable to type things w2ithout bvbeing forced to go backyr and take out all the letters that are randomly poppo0i7ng up!

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 16, 2009 at 11:09 PM
Dear Sir,

There should have some keys that have stuck down.

Please detach them one by one and also remove any

assigned functions.

Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry, what vdo byou \mean by "keys are stuck down"? How do I detach them?