Re open hide locked file with folder lock
How can I re open my hided and locked file with folder lock software. unforchunatly I uninstall thos software. and i tryed to instal other folder lock software its nos showing any hided-locked folder on my hard disc what shuld i do.. ?
How can I re open my hided and locked file with folder lock software. unforchunatly I uninstall thos software. and i tryed to instal other folder lock software its nos showing any hided-locked folder on my hard disc what shuld i do.. ?
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3 responses
Registration date
Friday May 15, 2009
Last seen
October 7, 2010
Nov 4, 2009 at 08:34 AM
Nov 4, 2009 at 08:34 AM
hi there,
you must reinstall the same version of the folder lock
then you will be able o unlock your files
if deleted software other dll files then it wont work
you must reinstall the same version of the folder lock
then you will be able o unlock your files
if deleted software other dll files then it wont work
i installed the same version but couldn't reopen it....:((