Why some animation videos do not work good?

ttttttt - Nov 9, 2009 at 01:56 AM
 Ace - Aug 4, 2010 at 08:40 PM
My video player is working good with videos most of the time, but there are two animations linebarrel and shin mazinger are not working properly. When I play them, they run a littel then stop the whole time.Also, they are very slow. please help me.

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Nov 9, 2009 at 02:54 AM
Dear Sir,

If these particular files do not play properly, it might be because of the videos'

quality. I will hence advise you to have the videos play on another computer

and see whether it works. This will confirm the matter.

Unfortunly, I have no other computer or any video player.
I want to tell you that the two animations also don't work on mega video while the other animations works fine there. I download these two animations from the internet like all other animations I have.
ahhh, I don't know what is wrong with them.
After all, thanks iveal.
sounds like you do not have enough memory RAM on your computer,
videos would work ok with less than 1 gig memory, but animated content stream requires at least 1gig and more depending on the graphics, So add more memory, very low cost for 1 gig of ram, this should prevent your animated video from freezing or even stopping,

Good Luck , I hope this solves your problem
