Aircelgprs internet connecting from sigmatels

hanse - Jan 11, 2010 at 12:45 AM
 Blocked Profile - Jan 11, 2010 at 02:39 AM
Hello, I have sigmatels76 mobile. I have connected aircelgprs in my mobile but it doesn't work at all. In my mobile there is a blutooth and wap, so can you help me please, by blutooth/wap that I be able to coneect the internet? More over that I have been connected theaircelgprs internet but it's appeared only connection failed. Can we connect by blutooth/wap. please help me
ph- 9808125511

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jan 11, 2010 at 02:39 AM
Dear Hanse,

This might be a clone phone if you are unable to have browsing option activated on it. The settings that you might have obtained from the specific service provider might not be the right ones and it will be difficult to have it for the fact that the manufacturer is unknown.

Still if you have WAP on the phone, please request the settings and instructions for having activated from the network provider. They will kindly help you about the matter and see whether there is a possible solution.

Thanks in advance.