How to take internet off my mobile

eunmidge - Jan 16, 2010 at 11:16 AM
 Blocked Profile - Jan 17, 2010 at 02:29 AM
I am being charged by Virgin for internet usage but I am not using it. I have a Sony Ericsson mobile K610i that I inherited from my 3 network. Everything has run smoothly unti recently when I have clocked up £14-£15 on my bills for absolutely nothing. Virgin are not helpful - even getting hold of them is a nightmare! Daren't use my phone in case I clock up more expense so on PAYG at moment.
Would love your advice from a mobile user who only sends a text and rings on mobile with an occasional photo taken but never sent on!!!!!
Messing about trying to remedy the mobile has resulted in losing my download tunes and I have no idea how to replace them. That is how amateurish I am as a mobile user!!
Kind regards.

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jan 17, 2010 at 02:29 AM
Dear Sir,

Please get the browser and select options and disconnect. There are

browsers that automatically disconnect when you get out of the browser

but others need to be disconnected manually. If even after having disconnected

it manually, you see that it is activated, please consider turning the phone off

and turning it on again.

Thank you.